Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Uhuru Rents a Mob for Kibaki Succession War

Kibaki succession is taking interesting and heated shape. With Iron Lady Karua shooting from the hip and calling Prof Kiarie Kinuthia's bluff, Uhuru has reverted to Kanu’s time tested and tried rend-a-mob theartics. And Jomo Jr has an able hand in one David Murathe to do the ground work in ferrying mouths to hotels to shout a prepared script. Boy, it never stops being interesting as the delegation gimmicks of yore are replayed right before our eyes for a seat that is more than 50 months a way.

Karua is out with all her guns blazing and she seems aware and prepared of the consequences. You have to understand anger and sense of betrayal burning inside the lady from Gichugu. She stuck her neck out making herself the intellectual and visible face of Kibaki during the post election violence only to receive a generous kick in teeth as Jomo Jr pick the trophy. Martha has made her intentions known and damn the consequences. Firing her now may just turn her into a hero and a magnet for sympathy votes.

Karua has STUCK Uhuru with the most lethal venom and no amount of shadow boxing will wash UK’s design as fashioned by the old geezers behind the throne pushing for his coronation. Watching Mama Ngina’s boy ducking HARD TALK’s point blank question on how much land Kenyatta family owns only confirms why his only political option lies in PROJECT PHASE II. Karua’s has dropped the gauntlet that Uhuru would rather face her than use surrogates. Will he pick it? Your guess is as good as mine. Such a challenge would demand an astute political spine which is a rare commodity in UK’s closet.

Political top-up
Kibaki meanwhile is staring open rebellion that threatens to consign him to premature political menopause. Emilio’s minders and cronies are not doing the old man any favour in pushing him to secure their financial interests in advance. These vultures have left baba Jimmy in the middle of fires started from all directions. They won’t stop at anything in their mission to auction Kenya and new deals are popping up everyday despite array of commission of inquiries already in place to cover previous FRAUD that are embarrassingly crawling out of the wood works.

Deception in whatever shape is unsustainable and like lies its consequences are damn costly. Trying to actively micro manage a political that only exists on paper is a sure recipe to expose the rot and incompetence hitherto glossed through fraud. True to the adage whatever goes around comes around, Kibaki is destined to have eggs and tomatoes plastering his face during this time in his political sunshine. This will be sooner rather than later when the first brick comes off the political tower of Babel that is PNU.


  1. The Kikuyus do not have a leader that will unite the community after Kibaki. In the absence of a good excuse to bash Raila-which was the common agenda uniting the community,is it any wonder that they are obsessed with the succession debate? I pity the community leaders running all over the place like roaches - good luck to them.
    Okuyus only hope is the Mungiki guy languishing in jail. The wise ones like Njenga have realized he's the next big thing. Folks, it looks like Mungiki is not going away soon.
    As for jomo junior, he's better off spending his time hiding 'the loot.'

  2. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  3. Hey let Karua Box Uhuru in a corner, let these two mungiki funders box each other - who care??

    ati Karua receiving sympathy votes?? from who? I sincerely assume you mean central lesotho! never ever the rest of kenya- it will not happen even if her boyfriend the fire breed cost MP is busy licking ass- it will not happen- KARUA'S FACE ON BBC- IN JANUARY AND FEBRUARY WAS FULL OF DEATH-


  4. is Kumekucha editors running out of ideas or are Kikuyu succession wars so important that they deserve daily attention?
    its this kind of journalism that Kenyans should walk away from. why not tell us how Ruto is helping farmers with good policies or is that too boring for you chris and your leaders?

    its about time chris and taabu you learnt to focus on important issues not theatrics of politicians. otherwise, it will confirm what someone wrote that this blog is just like the 10 bob gutter press they sell in buses.

    anyway, it seems 'kikuyus theme' will not leave kumekucha soon. just continue worshipping them even as u abuse them. seems you fear and adore them so much that you have to demonise them daily.

    keep up!!!!

  5. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  6. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  7. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  8. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  9. anon6:24 PM
    the truth hurts:) doesn't it?? Taabu and Chris post the truth here and if you can't deal with it! get lost!head to blogs like mashada where kikuyu bloggers have a field day posting lies and propaganda- wewe shenzi sana ati you even want to control what is posted on kumekucha... this is not kibaki's bedroom go look for rucy to direct you there.

  10. keep up Taabu,

    at least it makes us forget the looming war between maasai and Kipsigis in Mau forest. I mean we dont want to discuss ODM wars coz that will hurt ODM 'National stature'.

    bash em mighty kikuyus at least we make Kumekucha popular so that sponsors can advertise here. that way chris will stop making a living out of selling raw notes and email addresses to Nigerian scams.


  11. clap clap clap; chris and taabu wins special recognition for their fight for democracy in Kenya...

    read the full story;

  12. anon6:37 PM

    Wacha siasa- go blog elsewhere if you can't stand the heat in this kitchen- this is our kenya we are discussing and you call it kikuyu bashing??? when Anglo leasing happened was it kikuyu bashing??
    Charter house looting?? is that kikuyu bashing too??

    get a life and move on- Chris and Taabu keep up with your good work- kenyans really appreciate.

  13. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  14. Kiai: Hero or villain? You decide

    Published on 31/07/2008

    By Otsieno Namwaya

    Depending on which side of the political divide one falls, outgoing chairman of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) Maina Kiai is either a hero or a villain.

    Sharp divisions in the delicate post-election standoff, during which voices of reason were drowned out, perhaps best exemplified the perception of Kiai’s personality.

    To the Opposition, which felt cheated out of victory, Kiai’s condemnation of the polls and key Government officials confirmed his statesmanship and conviction to democratic ideals.


    But to government supporters and his kinsfolk from central Kenya, his inability to conform was enough testimony of his treachery.

    "I was not chairman of Kikuyu National Commission on Human Rights to be accused of betraying my tribe. I was not given a job to defend President Kibaki," said Kiai, whose tenure at KNCHR ended on Wednesday.

    He has been replaced by Ms Florence Jaoko, formerly the commission’s vice-chairperson. To his critics, Kiai’s decision not to seek another term as chair of the human rights body was godsend.

    Mr Maina Kiai, immediate former chairman of the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights. PHOTO: JACOB OTIENO
    His five-year tenure at the helm of the human rights watchdog was characterised by confrontations with Justice Minister Martha Karua, the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission director Aaron Ringera and the Police Commissioner, Maj-Gen Hussein Ali.

    "It is not true my relationship with Government has been bad throughout. There are officials with whom I worked very well. Only institutions that didn’t want to be held accountable, like the police, were a problem," Kiai says.

    biggest worry

    His biggest worry, he says, is the way police are operating that creates the perception they are a dangerous institution.

    "If we continue this way, we shall have a rogue police force. Those in authority are quiet because police are killing the poor. But once they start killing the middle-class and the super-rich, no one will feel secure," notes Kiai.

    With Kiai at the helm, KNCHR locked horns variously with police over extra judicial killings of up to 500 suspected Mungiki adherents and over Mt Elgon killings.

    The commission also accused the police of a wide range of human rights violations.

    "We used to talk with Ali, but not any more. But I am not alone. He is not responsive to very many people – MPs, ministers and envoys," says Kiai, although he is quick to add the problem is actually not Ali, but unaccountability in the security system.

    Other than his travails with police, Kiai has been haunted by many other forces.

    During post-election violence, he received death threats, prompting concern by UN Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour.

    Those behind the threats identified themselves as Mungiki followers but Kiai insists security forces were actually responsible.

    "But there have been links between Mungiki and the security sector," asserts Kiai.

    Smear campaign

    His high profile as chairman of the commission made him the focus of the international community. He was invited to speak at high-profile international meetings, including a speech to the US Congress.

    The climax was in March, when his name was floated as a possible successor to Arbour. Civil society officials who supported Kiai’s bid for the UN job argued it would have been fitting for a man who has dedicated his life to human rights.

    While studying in the US in 1992, Kiai teamed up with current Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi, Prof Makau Mutua, Dr Willy Mutunga and Prof Al Amin Mazrui to form an NGO, the Kenya Human Rights Commission.

    He left KHRC in 1998 to join Amnesty International as its first black African director in charge of Africa.

    Two years later, he joined the International Human Rights Law Group where he served until August 2003 when he took up the job at KNCHR.

    Although he had worked closely with Karua in civil society, the two had a tenuous relationship when he worked under her as Minister for Justice.

    "There is nothing personal between me and Karua. But it was obvious the smear campaign against me through the media and Kacc emanated from her ministry," he says.

    While Kiai seems to exhibit some guarded respect for Karua, he has little respect for Kacc Director Aaron Ringera.

    "Ringera has always done what the regime wants. In the 90s, he was used by Government against LSK. I wonder just how independent he can be. Currently, nobody perceived to be close to Government has ever been charged with corruption," he says.

  15. Karua and allies of Uhuru in showdown

    Published on 31/07/2008

    Karua and allies of Uhuru in showdown

    By Joseph Murimi And Mutinda Mwanzia

    The succession war building up among President Kibaki’s allies bubbled into the open with Justice Minister Martha Karua daring her colleague, Mr Uhuru Kenyatta, to come out and face her head on.

    A sharp altercation between Karua and Uhuru’s allies indicated the extent of a split that has been escalating among the President’s allies as they position themselves for his succession in 2012.

    Karua took on Uhuru after a group of about 200 political activists from Uhuru’s Gatundu South constituency and his key ally, Mr David Murathe, told her to stop dragging his name into succession politics.

    Gatundu South constituents defend Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta at Boulevard Hotel, Nairobi, on Wednesday. PHOTO: STAFFORD ONDEGO
    Mr John Njuguna and Mr Patrick Gitau led the group that met at Hotel Boulevard, Nairobi, under the umbrella of the Gatundu South Constituency Professional Group.

    Uhuru, who is out of the country, did not comment, but Karua was irked by the group that told her to keep Uhuru’s name out of her political games.

    Come out of the "closet"

    Recently, Karua was quoted saying some people were being groomed to take over from President Kibaki and challenged them to follow democratic methods.

    Uhuru’s name has been floated as one of those eyeing the PNU umbrella, which the President is trying to cobble together.

    Speaking to The Standard on Wednesday, Karua said: "If Uhuru has any issue with Karua, he should come out in the open and face me."

    Karua told Uhuru to stop sending people to attack her, but instead come out of the "closet".

    The group claimed that it was speaking for Uhuru and accused Karua of insinuating that a new ‘Project Uhuru’ had been hatched and that PNU was being prepared to eventually succeed President Kibaki.

    But Karua said it was clear that the plot to make parties in PNU come together was not borne out of the interest for unity and togetherness.

    She said individuals who were almost "partyless" wanted a party to belong to and were allegedly hiding behind huge offices to coerce others into submission.

    Karua claimed that the drive for PNU unity only came after she declared the intention to vie for the presidency.

    According to the minister, the drive for PNU unity was a scheme to derail Narc-Kenya, the party she says will be her vehicle for the presidential contest in 2012.

    Karua alleged that people scared of her candidacy had started a smear campaign that she and her party were in talks with Prime minister Raila Odinga’s party, ODM.

    She wondered why her announcement of intent to vie for the presidency had elicited such reaction, saying she was not an automatic candidate for her party.

    "If they think I am not serious, why are they worried? It means they have been pricked. Let them watch this space," Karua said.

    But Murathe, a former Gatanga MP and a close ally of Uhuru, said the deputy PM did not need to be groomed for the top seat as Karua had implied.

    "Uhuru is not a novice in the presidential race. He has travelled the road before and is his own man," said Murathe.

    He told Karua to shelve her ambitions and concentrate on strengthening PNU.

    "It is her democratic right to run for the top seat, but she should leave Uhuru out of her campaign talk," said Murathe.

    Njuguna, of the Gatundu South Professional Group, said: "Uhuru will certainly announce his future plans, but at the moment he is focused on national healing and development."

    And his counterpart, Gitau dug in: "We do not want Uhuru’s name to be dragged in the ongoing succession politics. He will certainly consult widely before making any move."

    The group also claimed that there was a grand plan to malign Uhuru and make him lose national appeal.

    "Our leaders must desist from the old habits of waging smear campaigns against their perceived enemies," said Gitau.

    The group was ferried to the hotel for the Press conference in mini-buses.

    Freedom of choice

    Karua said she stood by President Kibaki during the post-election violence and still does in Government.

    But when it came to party politics, she said, she should be allowed the freedom of choice.

    She described as double standards a move by PNU members to portray her as a rebel yet they never raised their voice to defend President Kibaki at the height of post-election violence.

    Anxiety in PNU started two weeks ago when President Kibaki called a meeting and pleaded with leaders of affiliate parties to coalesce under one umbrella.

    But he met resistance from Narc-Kenya, which Karua heads, Ford-Kenya led by Nominated MP Musikari Kombo and DP, who all wanted autonomy from PNU.

    Karua subsequently made utterances in public rallies that were seen to target Uhuru and Internal Security Minister George Saitoti.

    She said some people did not want a contest and were being groomed to take over after President Kibaki.

    Uhuru and Saitoti are seen as the most likely candidates who could get a nod from Kibaki to take over the mantle from him.

  16. the copy paste danderheads are back. what happened to those days when links were posted instead. Kwani kumekucha has been invaded by molasses raila striking highschool cousins?

  17. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  18. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  19. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  20. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  21. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  22. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  23. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  24. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  25. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  26. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  27. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in Nyanza at 15.3, Nairobi 9.0, Coast 7.9 per cent, Rift Valley 7.0, Western 5.1, Eastern 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and North Eastern 1.0 per cent.

    hope molasses Raila does something about his brothers in Nyanza...the thing abt omena for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Taabu won't call this a PNU ua yesterday standard for more

  28. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  29. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  30. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  31. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  32. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  33. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  34. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  35. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  36. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  37. Recent HIV statistics in Kenya by province;

    The survey indicates HIV prevalence in central province Nyeri at 15.3, central province Kiambu 9.0, central 7.9 per cent,central province Muranga 7.0, central province Nyandarua 5.1, Central Thika 4.7 per cent, Central 3.8 per cent and central ukambani 1.0 per cent.

    hope Anglo leasing kibaki does something about his brothers in Central...the thing abt Githeri for sex is not working well...

    hope the likes of Vikii won't call this a ODM in the factual records on survey on HIV/AIDS in kenya not yesterday standard fake report for more

  38. waaaow!
    I guess the truth is out central province takes home the HIV/AIDS medal:) way to go guys- start seeking treatment instead of looting and thuggery.

  39. Oops- I guess we all knew that the East Africa standard fake paid for Aids report would end up on Kumekucha but I'm glad kenyans saw through it just like the censors fake reports allowing kibaki to rig elections.

  40. Anon posting the HIV data.

    Are you part of the statistics? You seem to be haunted. If indeed, then I suggest you try and get some sleep - otherwise the drugs will not work well.

  41. from where is the HIV crap coming in? can the two babies posting this exchange addresses they settle their scores away from Kumekucha?

    thank you...

    now what was this post all about? praising molasses raila or bashing kiuks? can someone remind me?

  42. Will someone wake me up when the noise goes down.

  43. Ntimama Watch - Day 10

    Clearly...I am not the only one who has noticed something very fishy going on with the press,politicians and civil society who have totally buried and ignored the fact that a whole minister last week but one admitted on National Television to wiping out between 600 and 1000 Kenyan citizens.

    So 10 days ago, I started a Ntimama Watch that will keep this issue alive until some action is taken on the minister either by parliament,the police, the President, PM or whoever. Parliament seemed so eager to take action former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya regarding the Grand Regency deal. Why the silence on this and the minister made a direct confession on National Television? If you did not see the confession, watch it here.

    So this is Day 10 of Ntimama Watch. we urge the Police Commissioner Hussein Ali to take action on this minister. Such impunity is unacceptable in modern day Africa. This is not the first time William Ole Ntimama has been accused of being part of tribal cleansing or hatred. U remember when he said Kikuyus will lie low like envelopes and went on to organise massacres in Molo. We demand action!

    (Feel free to add Ntimama Watch to your blog and lets get some action)

    kenya christian:

  44. Ntimama Watch - Day 10

    Clearly...I am not the only one who has noticed something very fishy going on with the press,politicians and civil society who have totally buried and ignored the fact that a whole minister last week but one admitted on National Television to wiping out between 600 and 1000 Kenyan citizens.

    So 10 days ago, I started a Ntimama Watch that will keep this issue alive until some action is taken on the minister either by parliament,the police, the President, PM or whoever. Parliament seemed so eager to take action former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya regarding the Grand Regency deal. Why the silence on this and the minister made a direct confession on National Television? If you did not see the confession, watch it here.

    So this is Day 10 of Ntimama Watch. we urge the Police Commissioner Hussein Ali to take action on this minister. Such impunity is unacceptable in modern day Africa. This is not the first time William Ole Ntimama has been accused of being part of tribal cleansing or hatred. U remember when he said Kikuyus will lie low like envelopes and went on to organise massacres in Molo. We demand action!

    (Feel free to add Ntimama Watch to your blog and lets get some action)

    kenya christian:

  45. Ntimama Watch - Day 10

    Clearly...I am not the only one who has noticed something very fishy going on with the press,politicians and civil society who have totally buried and ignored the fact that a whole minister last week but one admitted on National Television to wiping out between 600 and 1000 Kenyan citizens.

    So 10 days ago, I started a Ntimama Watch that will keep this issue alive until some action is taken on the minister either by parliament,the police, the President, PM or whoever. Parliament seemed so eager to take action former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya regarding the Grand Regency deal. Why the silence on this and the minister made a direct confession on National Television? If you did not see the confession, watch it here.

    So this is Day 10 of Ntimama Watch. we urge the Police Commissioner Hussein Ali to take action on this minister. Such impunity is unacceptable in modern day Africa. This is not the first time William Ole Ntimama has been accused of being part of tribal cleansing or hatred. U remember when he said Kikuyus will lie low like envelopes and went on to organise massacres in Molo. We demand action!

    (Feel free to add Ntimama Watch to your blog and lets get some action)

    kenya christian:

  46. Ntimama Watch - Day 10

    Clearly...I am not the only one who has noticed something very fishy going on with the press,politicians and civil society who have totally buried and ignored the fact that a whole minister last week but one admitted on National Television to wiping out between 600 and 1000 Kenyan citizens.

    So 10 days ago, I started a Ntimama Watch that will keep this issue alive until some action is taken on the minister either by parliament,the police, the President, PM or whoever. Parliament seemed so eager to take action former Finance Minister Amos Kimunya regarding the Grand Regency deal. Why the silence on this and the minister made a direct confession on National Television? If you did not see the confession, watch it here.

    So this is Day 10 of Ntimama Watch. we urge the Police Commissioner Hussein Ali to take action on this minister. Such impunity is unacceptable in modern day Africa. This is not the first time William Ole Ntimama has been accused of being part of tribal cleansing or hatred. U remember when he said Kikuyus will lie low like envelopes and went on to organise massacres in Molo. We demand action!

    (Feel free to add Ntimama Watch to your blog and lets get some action)

    kenya christian:

  47. Anon 9:52 I was just wondering where the Ntimama watch had reached. Kumbe you are still there?

    As Karua saya watch the space....That is all i can say Watch the space.
    I wonder where Kalonzo's 5.3 million votes are going to come from. Did they say say (Kalonzo 2012 kitty had already bagged 5.3M votes?) Pls bashers dont bash me i am just thinking aloud!!!
    I think Kenya is in for interesting times ahead.And i say again WATCH THE SPACE!!!!

  48. Sorry Taabu

    Did you say that Kibs is almost reaching political menopause. I thought he has always been there

  49. To the fellow pasting Aids statistics here. Just make sure you are not among the 3.8 percent and leave the rest of us alone. Mind you, these are percentages. Do the math. With your population, 3.8 percent is a damn big number, even without including your folks in the diaspora who are making the percentages there higher.

  50. Kenyans buying fake degrees in the US (is it a coincidence that they a Luo's??? thieves).

    Oluchiri George (DBA), Omollo Joseph Odindo (BBA), Omukaba Martin (BS), Omukuenyi Hassan Nathan (BS), Omuluba Martin (BS), Ongunya Vitalis Omanyo (BBA), Oyer Omoro William (BBA) and Wachira Jenard Leo (MBA).Amunga Justus Mully, who bought an MBA, Aseno George Onyango (BA), Kirusara Mwandi Patrick (BA), a Mohammed (BA).

    read full story here

  51. When The Standard contacted the Kenyan Embassy in Washington DC, the deputy Head of Mission, Mr Galma Boru, could not comment on the saga, saying the ambassador, Mr Oginga Ogego (relative to molasses raila), who was the only one who could speak on the matter, was in a meeting.

    seems Deya who smuggled babies from kenya has some good company of molasses raila crooks

  52. Anon 11:16 PM - Somebody close to Kumekucha-Chris has hinted that he had been found HIV positive after having visited certain women in K-Street introduced by Phil. Remember that somebody mentioned here their close companionship some time ago? Subsequently, his wife has chased him out of the house and out of Kenya. In other words, he has become one of those increasing the number in the Diaspora.

  53. uhuru must know he can never be president of kenya. his family is the cause of tribal animosity. they stole all land from central and now the kikuyus are suffering elsewhere while he has a lot of idle land. shame on him.

  54. Anon 11:49

    Surely how ignorant can one be? Just coz their names are beginning with O, it means there are luos? Luhyas names begin with O and kisii's name also begin with O, though you won't pay me let me show you...there are only 3 luos in that list (Onyango, Oyer, and Odindo)
    Amunga, Omukaba, Omukenyi, Omuluba (these are 4 luhyas and they might just be speaking samia my dialect) then we have Oluchiri is definately a kisii (just by the sound of his name) then Ogunya and Amunga can be either a luo/luhya or kisii)
    Sorry above all they are Kenyans...It was reported "14 kenyans probed over fake US degrees"

    Just noted that there are 3 kikuyu's and another one i think is tribeless. Imagine i didn't give a damn about who they were until you mentioned.....LOL

    Kumekucha now that you taught us slang, can you also make room for us to learn civic education, clan names and names that regions have i mean i think my class 5 nephew would have done helluva job with these names. Just noted or is it that you allow minors to blog too.

  55. Kenyan Govt To Build New City In Turkana

    Strategically located in an area with huge potential for fishing, ranching and tourism, the government has resolved to build a new city dubbed "Turkana".

    The "Turkana" master plan is set to be the biggest and most advanced commercial, residential and tourism center in Africa. The total project cost will be US$ 7.8 billion and will be financed by shares sold to the public and numerous international and local investors who want to be part of the project.

    To get the project going, the government will link Lodwar to Kitale, Eldoret, Nakuru and Nairobi via dual carriage roads and a modern railway network. The Kenya government is to build a new international airport costing $280 million at a site some 25 kilometers south of Lodwar, the new facility would cover an area of 30 square kilometers.

    The scale of the project is mind boggling, with phase one alone including 300 boreholes, 2 million trees, 15 water and sewer processing plants, 2 garbage waste recycling plants, 80 commercial plots, 19 three-star hotels, 2 five-star hotels, 1250 single family resident houses, 35 apartments complexes, 5 district hospitals, 10 primary and secondary schools, one university, and a military base.

    Phase two of the project will involve large-scale ranching, fishing, and agro-forestry projects that will be done in partnership with the local communities.

    The goal is to incorporate the highest international standards to create a diversified economy that will sustain employment and create a high standard of living for all Kenyans.

  56. Sorry Anon 11:49

    Did i just waste my 5 precious minutes?

  57. Anon 11:49 PM - you forgot to mention Sam Okello - fake degree under false nationality (claiming to be Kenyan while being Ugandan). Google him and you will find him listed as an Ugandan Writer. He also appeared at various venues in the States and in Canada as Ugandan. Only now when it fits into his publishing business, he discovered to have some Kenyan roots luring Kenyans to buy his books. He should therefore join Museveni and not presenting himself here as the new saviour of Kenya.

  58. Anything kikuyu or kikuyu led scares the rest of kenya away,i realy want to think otherwise but their acts cant let me think otherwise,being educated and learned without character is bad news and thats y kenya is and the leaders.

  59. Taabu got AIDS.

  60. Anon 2.05 AM - this blog should change its name from Kumekucha-You-missed-this to Kumekucha-don't-miss-this/the-voice-of-HIV-bloggers: Chris, Phil and now also Taabu. Who will be next?




  63. Taabu your post has been kojolewa'd by some comments that dont even relate to the topic u've posted.

    Anyway, Jomo Jr is not going to engage Iron Lady in a debate. Iron lady will use some voca'z that'll make him look like he's just in Std 3. She'll push the right buttons legally but on the other hand, she cannot match his network. Uhuru network is very complicated and deep financially and in politics, that's a huge head start. By the way, if she continues firing at this rate, she may burn out by next yr. Maneno ni mos mos. As OO said b4, some people need to think, plan, think again and then re-strategize. A day is politics is way too long.

  64. the mental patients were hired by NSIS.. He he

  65. somehow i get the feeling that these guys are just playing games with the electorate, by the next elections, they will regroup around a common pillar.

    narc-k has no option but to team up with another big player or else they lose out big time. this at this stage appears to be a storm in a tea-cup is what it is at this moment.

    narc-k conveniently forget that even the elections of their candidates was largely hinged on PNU/Kibaki axis and appeal of incumbency.

  66. anon @2:05 and 3:03.
    What kind of sleaze-bags are you? That anyone has HIV, liver cancer, brain damage (like you),etc is neither anyone else's business, nor cause for celebration.
    Yes, not a bad idea to bump out these bankrupt posts.

  67. Kenyan Govt To Build New City In Turkana

    what a nice dream? do they think outside nairobi these idiots?

  68. Now you know why the debate here is so .... anyway .. we all have fake degrees.

  69. What a waste of thought, if indeed that is what it is.


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