Monday, May 26, 2008

Deepak Kamani And Post Election Violence Suspects

It is fascinating that the photograph of Anglo Leasing suspect Deepak Kamani on the police web site has been replaced in the most wanted persons section by post-election violence suspects. It illustrates perfectly how justice works in Kenya.

Kamani has the resources and the contacts in the corridors of power, nothing else matters and what that means is that he is untouchable. Kenyans can make noise until the chickens come home but nothing will happen to Mr Kamani that will cause him to go behind bars.

Contrast Kamani to post election violence suspects. These people are basically nobodies. Mostly frustrated youths who were amongst the high number of Kenyans who went berserk when the presidential election were stolen in broad daylight last December. Some of them did terrible, terrible things which cannot be excused. However just think about it for a moment and assess whose actions will at the end of the day have killed and maimed the highest number of Kenyans. My simple calculations clearly show that Kamani’s antics will have a much higher impact over a much longer period of time and will cause untold suffering to hundreds of thousands of Kenyans for many years to come.

The ideal situation would be to haul everybody to court to face the music. Starting from Mwai Kibaki (who is the chief perpetrator of post election violence because he alone made the decision to steal from Kenyans) right down to all his accomplices like the NSIS chief to Samuel Kivuitu and other ECK commissioners. If this is done, then no Kenyan will raise a finger to protect all those young men and women who did such horrible unforgivable things to their fellow human beings.

However as long as Kibaki, Kivuitu and the rest continue to enjoy the trappings of power, at the expense of the long suffering Kenyan tax payer, then there is absolutely no moral ground to remove the photograph of a crook like Kamani from the police web site and replace it with that of post election violence offenders.

But alas, you and I know that going by the justice system in Kenya thus far, the likes of Kivuitu will most likely end up being decorated with those silly now-meaningless awards like the Elder of the Burning Spear (EBS) for services rendered to the nation of Kenya (just writing it here makes me want to throw up). Sadly in sharp contrast all those "freedom fighters" who made sure that the election theft did not stand unchallenged will end up facing the hangman at the worst or rotting in Kenyan jails which is even worse.

Many people believe that the so-called amnesty debate will end up bringing down the infant grand coalition government. Personally I find it difficult to argue against such a position. This is a time when Kenyans are crying out for justice and nothing less will wash.

Where Is Lucy Kibaki?
One of the clear indicators that the Kenyan media has been compromised in its’ very important duty as a watch dog for the people is its’ continued silence over important national issues.
For instance, just like there is no way the duly elected president can disappear for months on end and Kenyans are not told what is happening, in the same way the first lady cannot just vanish from the face of the earth and everybody continues to behave as if it is normal.
While it is understandable that Lucy Kibaki is not exactly popular right across the political divide, she is still the country’s first lady. And just like your mother is still your mother even if she is a known witch, Lucy is still the first Lady whether folks like her or not.

So where is Lucy?

Fairly reliable sources have told this blogger that she is "under lock and key" at a well known hospital in Karen. On the door of the room where the first lady is are the following words in big bold letters;

Unauthorized staff strictly prohibited from entry

The same sources claim that the last that was heard of the first lady was when she had a confrontation of sorts with her son who was urging the duly elected president to "take some action, even if it is resigning" to quell the election violence that was then escalating. It is said that the word "resign" is what caused the first lady to get violent with her own son.

Now all sorts of stories have been doing the rounds including the sensational one about a shot being fired at Jimmy Kibaki. My source however assures me that there was a kitchen knife involved in some kind of scuffle and whatever happened caused the first lady’s mental state to deteriorate hence her current hibernation away from the public eye.

The government needs to tell Kenyans where Lucy Kibaki is and more importantly the state of her health.

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Desperate relatives’ "brilliant idea" to get body home for burial


  1. Chris, I am happy to see you are around, its good if posts will still be coming.

    What I want to know is where my hard earned tax that was meant to pay Mama Lucy's high salary is going! Since that mama stole elections and swore her husband in the cover of darkness she has disappeared. She's robbing us blind!


  2. This grand coalition will undergo major test after major test until it's time for us to go to the polls again. Before they're even done with the Amnesty Debate they'll also debate Ababu Namwamba's Grand Opposition one. After those two another debate will crop up mix things up. That is the way things will be for as long as this coalition lasts. It it lasts.

    Spare us Lucy. She's traumatizing mother of the nation. Somebody said she was bewitched by that MC Francis Musyimi with the best Kamute Ukambani ever produced. A double door at her hospital room would do until it's time for Kibaki to retire and take her home to Othaya with him.

  3. Kumekuchans take courage. I am safe and have no intention of giving up the fight.

    Taabu and Luke, hope you are well and I know you don't scare easily. You know that is exactly what they want--to scare everybody.

    Just to get a clear message back to them, everything that I ever feared or hesitated to publish, now I will publish.

    For the love of the moptherland.


  4. There's no way Kibaki will allow KACC to put Kamani on corruption trial considering the man has been financing Kibaki since 1992. His trial would simply open a can of worms that could easily bring down this government. Aglo-leasing was facilitated so that he could recoup his expenses over the years.

    As regards the AMNESTY debate, Ruto kicked it off in Eldoret last month during a presidential rally. He knew very well this would put RAO on a collision course with RVP MPs and residents. Word on the ground indicates that Ruto is closely being monitored by both the NSIS and ODM's own intelligence. WHY? Because his ambitions are rocking the ODM/GCG boat. Consider that ever since the elections; all of ODM's internal problems are emanating from Rift Valley. He (Ruto) instigated MPs to demand his appointment as DPM, and it took RAO's toungue lashing for Ruto to publicly support 'his brother' Musalia.

    Consider that Jirongo and Ruto both worked closely together for Moi in 1992 - and this is the period when both gentlemen crossed the poverty line. Jirongo is now sponsoring rebel MPs in ODM, while Ruto is on record having supported the formation of an opposition in a grand coalition. Ruto as a pentagon member is privy to many issues not in the public domain. He was also part of ODMs team that negotiated the NARA bill. Why did he not propose a grand opposition to be included in the peace deal then?

    Protests over Cabinet positions for ODM are manly coming from RV MPs - who have gone ahead and announced they are forming a political party to take care of their community interests. Young Gideon Moi is also announcing plans to reinvigorate KANU through nationwide campaigns. Ruto attends a homecoming in Nithi where ODM/RAO were robbed of thousands of votes and investigations are on-going in the company of Uhuru and Kiraitu. The same week Moi is in Molo addressing Kikuyu IDPs and criticizing ODM for demanding for a vote recount during the disputed elections. Mere coincidence OR is a political alliance in the making?

    Talking of protocol and corruption, eye brows were raised when Ruto's Agriculture ministry emerged the top contributor to the IDPs resettlement fund raiser presided over by President KIbaki. Although the total raised was far below target contributions are still being received and even the Safaricoms of this world cannot match Ruto's +200m shillings contribution. A quater of a billion shillings is no small change by any standards. Where did all this money come from? Am I really allowed by protocol to contribute more money than my boss at a public fundraiser? Kibaki himself was forced to 'pledge' five million shillings at the same function, only for ruto to come with banker's cheques worth a stageering a quarter of a billion shillings! Raila's contribution was even less. We appreciate, it is for a noble cause, but......?

  5. There's no way Kibaki will allow KACC to put Kamani on corruption trial considering the man has been financing Kibaki since 1992. His trial would simply open a can of worms that could easily bring down this government. Aglo-leasing was facilitated so that he could recoup his expenses over the years.

    As regards the AMNESTY debate, Ruto kicked it off in Eldoret last month during a presidential rally. He knew very well this would put RAO on a collision course with RVP MPs and residents. Word on the ground indicates that Ruto is closely being monitored by both the NSIS and ODM's own intelligence. WHY? Because his ambitions are rocking the ODM/GCG boat. Consider that ever since the elections; all of ODM's internal problems are emanating from Rift Valley. He (Ruto) instigated MPs to demand his appointment as DPM, and it took RAO's toungue lashing for Ruto to publicly support 'his brother' Musalia.

    Consider that Jirongo and Ruto both worked closely together for Moi in 1992 - and this is the period when both gentlemen crossed the poverty line. Jirongo is now sponsoring rebel MPs in ODM, while Ruto is on record having supported the formation of an opposition in a grand coalition. Ruto as a pentagon member is privy to many issues not in the public domain. He was also part of ODMs team that negotiated the NARA bill. Why did he not propose a grand opposition to be included in the peace deal then?

    Protests over Cabinet positions for ODM are manly coming from RV MPs - who have gone ahead and announced they are forming a political party to take care of their community interests. Young Gideon Moi is also announcing plans to reinvigorate KANU through nationwide campaigns. Ruto attends a homecoming in Nithi where ODM/RAO were robbed of thousands of votes and investigations are on-going in the company of Uhuru and Kiraitu. The same week Moi is in Molo addressing Kikuyu IDPs and criticizing ODM for demanding for a vote recount during the disputed elections. Mere coincidence OR is a political alliance in the making?

    Talking of protocol and corruption, eye brows were raised when Ruto's Agriculture ministry emerged the top contributor to the IDPs resettlement fund raiser presided over by President KIbaki. Although the total raised was far below target contributions are still being received and even the Safaricoms of this world cannot match Ruto's +200m shillings contribution. A quater of a billion shillings is no small change by any standards. Where did all this money come from? Am I really allowed by protocol to contribute more money than my boss at a public fundraiser? Kibaki himself was forced to 'pledge' five million shillings at the same function, only for ruto to come with banker's cheques worth a staggering quarter of a billion shillings! Raila's contribution was even less. We appreciate, it is for a noble cause, but......?

  6. phil

    if ruto is expanding his political space, that shows character. if he is climbing on the backs of his props, thats nasty, but unfortunately thats what politics is about.

    IMO we dont need to waste time here on the succession battles and popularity contests by these politicians.

    Lets get back to the basics

    THe peace accord was specifically to
    a) return sanity to the country and put an end to the ethnic related violence - scorecard 1/3: violence significantly reduced but sanity still missing, and ethnic acrimony still rampant
    b) usher in the formation of a grand coalition with REAL power sharing, reflective of the relative composition of party strength in parliament - scorecard 1/3: coalition in place but real power sharing, size of cabinet, composition, operations and the oppostition theatrics are mind boggling
    c) pave the way for addressing the long standing issues (land, marginalisation, blah blah blah) - scorecard 0: mediators/negotiators outdoing each other with excuses while the emminent persons are kept waiting for hours, not to mention the Wetangula goof)
    d) and most important of all, jumpstart the process for much needed constitutional and institution reforms - scorecard -5: does not even appear anywhere on the agenda.

    My scorecard may be fallacious so sue me and come up with your own but the fact remains, only the processes directly impacted by the emminent persons generated any real or meaningful results (negotiations thus peace, coalition although thru heavy coercion etc). anything that required or requires "home grown" solutions (actual cabinet and operation), addressing root cause of problems etc are still spinning around with our MPs fumbling from one goof to the next.

    what we need to remain focused on is the reforms (constitution and institutions) and a timetable. otherwise 2012 will be round the corner and we'll still be playing the juve game of my dad is bigger than your dad

    Those institutional reforms will immediatley see people who have been implicated in grand economic scams like Kamani, Pattni, Jirongo, Maina and others either already behind bars or at least on the run and not continuing to live in luxury while the vast majority of the population suffers due to services denied or innaccesible because of these loonies plundering the state coffers


  7. Mrembo I agree....But not meant to pay...Me think she is still drawing that money and she is not working for it...She not only works but also absconds going to the office


  8. Kibaki facilitates Deepak Kamani's
    Return and Amnesty.

    I shall quote the post:

    "Kibaki is the chief perpetrator of post election violence because he alone made the decision to steal from Kenyans right down to all his accomplices like the NSIS chief to Samuel Kivuitu and other ECK commissioners. If this is done, then no Kenyan will raise a finger to protect all those young men and women who did such horrible unforgivable things to their fellow human beings.

    However as long as Kibaki, Kivuitu and the rest continue to illegitimately - yes, illegitimately because it was stolen - enjoy the trappings of power, at the expense of the long suffering Kenyan tax payer, then there is absolutely no moral ground to remove the photograph of a crook like Kamani from the police web site and replace it with that of post election violence offenders".

    Kibaki is the biggest villian in all this mess. And hey, you Panua crowd, these are some of the reasons that most Kenyans consider Kibaki to be an incompetent and
    mediocre leader

  9. I thought you could at least be credible the first lady can be seen driving every day between state house and muthaiga causing endless traffic jams along limuru road do not sacrifice your credibility to be another rumour mill please

  10. Anon 7.07

    You can rant all you like but the perpertrors of post election violence ARE going to be prosecuted. Take Kibaki and ECK to court if you have any evidence.
    Nothing justify what ODM supporters did. Stolen election or not, thou shall not kill!

  11. Anon @ 7.07

    Perpertors of post election violence and their financiers ARE going to be prosecuted, like it or not!

  12. Folks,

    Sorry to bore anybody, and very sorry that for the first time in a month I am contributing. I simply can avoid certain situations.

    In everything that we might aspire in politics, and like capitalism, there are losers, winners and fence-sitters, or pushers.

    I agree with a comment posted about the RV MPs and their conception (or misconception) that they were short-changed. I remember a week ago on KTN Isaac Ruto saying that 'their community will not be used for dialogue purposes again'

    This morning, a political neophyte Elijah Lagat from Emngwen claims that ODM politicians told the youths to demonstrated (not burn children in churches) and I wonder, what direction politics is taking in Kenya.

    Say all we can, Do all we can, shout as loud as we can, but one thing will remain and for the foreseeable future, that the constitution (the supreme organ) that give political power will keep on being misused many times more.

    Until the powers will be removed from the presidency, there will not be real change in one country. Until the BIG MAN syndrome melts away, folks, we will shout, shout and shout, but nothing will change. That is the bitter truth.

    About two months ago, I said here that the constitution will not be changed in the coming year and one of the lady commentators said that I was lying. As usual, people take others opinions with a lot of contrast. I meant my words and keep 28 February or the day of the inauguration of the Grand Coalition Government as a reference point and let as celebrate one year of that a new constitution then.

    The composition of the same will take more than three months and at the current rate, we have the budget to take into consideration, the by-elections, the Kriegler Commission, and remember, I told you about Agenda Four two months ago. The Annan thing ended at Agenda Three. All this is on record.

    With the cracks in the government, the shenanigans taking place and the perceived short-changing that is being pushed, folks, change will only come in five years. Not that it is not possible, but not with the current set-up where the powers remain with one individual.

    Painful, if I may refer to certain incidences. And sorry if any ODMer feels that I have rubbed him the wrong way. Name any event of national interest that has not been presided over by Mwai Kibaki or Kalonzo Musyoka in the last three weeks. Apart from the bonding session at Safari Park. Put another way; tell me when Raila Odinga has stood on the national rostrum to issue a momentous national statement, apart from the normal meeting a foreign dignitary to say that the coalition will work.

    Then look at it the bad way, apart from William Ruto and Wycliffe Oparanya, can someone say who among the ODM MPs has had the coverage that PNU are having. From Martha Karua, to Amos Kimunya to Mutula Kilonzo, George Saitoti, they are all having their day, either by design or default but it is there for all to see.

    Not statements made at homecoming parties. Forget Ngilu saying (on national TV) that one community cannot rule Kenya alone. Or even telling Kibera residents that she will provide free water (why Kibera?)

    To ODMERS remember my words some months back….it will continue like this for the next five years because I do not foresee an election or either of the two partners peeling off from the governments. Not at this rate that William Ruto has tasted power again and Mwai Kibaki is comfortable


  13. 7:18 AM

    The first perpetrators of post election violence were Kibaki and his cronies!!

    EMILIO KIBAKI be prosecuted for giving the police the order to kill innocent kenyans!! those are facts and if the police need evidence i can supply them with it plus all the media in the world has it- so you better shut up and release our sons and daughters or else..............................

    Secondly it is widely known even BBC reported on it and questioned Alfred Mutua and the Mungiki leaders have confirmed that they met with Kibaki and some of his PNU
    mp's including Uhuru, Martha Karua, Njenga Karume, Michuki, Saitoti at his residence before and after elections where funds were handed over to the mungiki gang to go commit genocide in Kibera, Naivasha and Nakuru - kibaki must be made to answer all those charges!! after all he is not the kenyans people president!! he is an impostor and he killed too many kenyans and is still doing so(I understand the plan is to slaughter as many young men from other tribes as humanly possible- look closely at genocides in Rift Valley including Mt.Elgon and now other parts of Rift Valley?
    What does this remind you of in the biblical formula?? kill all the male children??so that there is less production from other tribes??
    we all know kikuyu's are not the largest tribe in Kenya!! this are facts from some officers who did the last censors!!kikuyu reproduction is below average!! period!! so what do they do?? go kill and slaughter other tribes to reduce numbers!! murderers !!

    Raila is asleep on the wheel he should wake up and smell the roses Kenyans are dying and I think it is about time that kenyans showed even Raila that time is up!! our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, uncles, Aunties and cousins did not die in vain and now our youth continue to be slaughtered day in day out!! it is time to stand up and stop this coalition nonsense!! it ain't working- why should we die in the name of a coalition kenyans are asking?? time up!!

  14. Anon7:21 AM



  15. Anon 7.07, Thou shalt NOT STEAL - Although I'm sure this is might be strange to you as it is an accepted "virtue" and way of life in your community. The killing, while not acceptable, came as a result of the shameless and brazen STEALING of the elections in broad daylight. If the elections had not been STOLEN, no killings would have occurred. Pure and simple.

  16. About Roocey

    Do will still pay her 500k a month even if she is useless to the country now? That is if we assume that she was useful before she dissapeared from the limelight.

  17. Brothers and sisters - Two wrongs do not make a right. Mine is simple those who killed our loved ones should be prosecuted. They raped our mothers, burnt our humble abodes and the graves are still fresh. This bit of amnesty when i know who killed my mother and brother does not wash. Its so painful to some of us. My mother or brother have never stolen any ones votes or property, they just execriced their democratic right ( no one knows even today whether they voted Rao, kibs, or kalonzo - but one this is certain they voted an ODM mp). I rest my case, please lets help each other in healing. Some of teh comments here do not help. Am sorry though

  18. Lucy is at Mathare Clinic for treatment. Kib will follow suit.

  19. Can someone please deduce what this man @8:05 is talking about? Please help me understand the gist of his story. See you another day.

    Are these the brains that are supposed to be charting the way to remove the so-called Kikuyu, Lesotho, Adui yetu???

    Poleni manduguzanguni! Kazi Itaendelea...sana

    Adios Amigo


  20. Phil

    i too have been wondering how the agriculture ministry raised more than the combined total of all other contributors. I dont think the message was shortchanging RAO as you purport but the message was that he as the de-facto RV leader is for reconciliation and IDP (re)settlement.

    But why lie, i'm just speculating thus joining the ranks of many here who speculate stonefaced and claim these to be facts.

    It really doesn't matter anyone in kenya aspiring to be a national leader can no longer afford to undercut leadership from other areas, so it will be foolhardy for any seasoned politician to undermine what is typically referred to as tribal chiefs.

    in all honesty i think (at least i hope) 2007 is the last time anyone will steal an election with such brazen impunity. from here on national leaders have to strive to forge working partnerships devoid of hate, and even the central "invincible almighty our guy voting block" guys are reaching out, although using some new and really cheap and crazy notion, ati bantu, but anyway, i guess maybe its the thought that counts as they say, but thats just plain dumb.

    But most importantly we need to get constitution review/reforms moving and institutional empowerment (free from executive influence but with rigid and enforceable code of conduct with sufficient controls to discipline errant officers).

    We should not focus on the politics and leave this out otherwise we'll experience worse chaos in the not very far future.


  21. -Derek-

    anon 11:00 AM

    can't you see 8:05 is answering this comments from anon7:18
    that theres enough evidence on kibaki to land in kamiti no need for court process- the police were caught on national and international media shooting dead innocent kenyans by the order of the imposed head of state known us Emilio kibaki!! and munigki have confirmed being paid by Kibaki and his PNU cronies to go commit genocide in naivasha and nakuru even the church leaders have proof of that - bbc and human rights maina kiai were also given that on tape! so Derek?? what don't you understand from that post?? or you are trying to be naive?? facts are Kibaki did kill many kenyans through his government machinery called the police force and army!!

    anon 7:18 AM wrote:

    You can rant all you like but the perpetrators of post election violence ARE going to be prosecuted. Take Kibaki and ECK to court if you have any evidence.
    Nothing justify what ODM supporters did. Stolen election or not, thou shall not kill!

    7:18 AM

  22. Anon 7:18 THOU SHALL NOT STEAL: and consider thee "dury-erected."

  23. I am one of the many Kenyans who do not want to know where Lucy Kibaki or his sons and daughters are or doing. That type of knowledge is irrelevant to my economic of psychological well-being!!

    What I want to know is the following: first, what is the deal about Deepak Kamani - when are we going to see him in court answering about his (and his comrades) economic crimes. Second, when are we going to have the murderers of the women and children at the Eldoret church hanged for their crimes.

  24. Iknow this out of sinc but I just feel like posting it: Excuse me people.
    What is the value of land title deeds in Kenya? How important is it to own a piece of land? Should we nationalise land in Kenya as is the case in UK and other EU countries? I am raising these questions because of the desperation and unfair distribution of land in Kenya!
    Our population is said to be about 35 million people. Yet not 1/3 of the land acrage in Kenya is arable. In fact only about 10% of land in Kenya is fertile and arable. And most of this land is owned by less that 20% of the polpulation.
    It is said that 20% of Kenyans own 80% of the arable land in Kenya leaving 20% of land to cater for 80% of our population (Source: Kenya Agricultural survey 2003).
    As a result, poverty is rampant, unemployment is everywhere mainly the productive youths.
    As some would say, the market forces of supply and demand are playing harvoc at the scarce commodity land in Kenya. That land is scarce is not very true. The truth is that large tracks of land is in the hands of only a few influential families throughout Kenya! It is alleged that one family owns more that 500,000 acres of land. This is more than the size of Nyanza province that house more than 6 millions Kenyans! Yet other equally influencial politically correct families own even closer to 500,000 acres of land allover the country yet the local indigenious communities live in abject poverty! Is it fair that some should have too much land that they keep fallow yet other Kenyans are starving due to lack of arable land that they can plough to produce food for subsistence and sale?
    And how should we peacefully correct this unequal distribution of land as a factor of production? And how vital is the title deed? Is it just a 'mere paper' as once said by a minister? And if so why are some people now calling for the respect of the same 'mere paper'? I wonder? Double standards?
    This post is not supposed to illicit any anger but to provoke thought and discussion.

  25. Phil:

    Kwani Ruto amekula mbuzi yako. Wacha hiyo DOMO yako. Ruto is a minister for all Kenya. He was in Othaya to talk to the tea farmers and they liked what he was telling them. You saw how they cheered him. Wewe usimeza wembe bado, utaona mengi. And remember that with or without Ruto's support RAO will not get a significant vote of the Kalenjins. RAO shortchanged the Kipsigsi who gave him 100% of their votes.

    What I don't understand is why you get hurt when Kikuyus cheer Ruto or when Ruto joins Merus in Nthi for nyama choma. Would you have been hurt if it happened to RAO? Are we not supposed to reconcile with other Kenyans and to bring as many members to ODM by behaving well to them?

    In summary. I would rather go with Ruto who is contributing to a worthy cause (the resettlement of the IDPs) than go with RAO who is busy sending his most treasured political books as gifts to Maina Njenga, the mungiki thug in jail. Both RAO and Ruto have realized that their ultimate success in politics in Kenya will depend on their perceived role each plays in any successful resettlement of the RV IDPs. For now Ruto has sided with the angels (the IDPs) while RAO is busy courting the Mungiki thugs. So far the national score is: Ruto = 1 and RAO = 0.

    My advice: don't panic for RAO, there is still time to correct course!!!

  26. Kenyans we need to come together and build our Nation as one people.

  27. Kenyans need to come together and build the nation as one people.

    Our national Anthem, states that.. Otherwise Mau Mau will be revisited.

    Kenya is a Sovereign State, Country and one Black people.

    come on.....!

  28. anon2:04 PM
    ask kibaki and Moi on the murderers of the eldoret church or dig your head deeper in the sand- as for your selective memories on those kenyans burned in houses in Nakuru and Nairobi we know the mungiki were paid to burn them in their homes again the buck stops with kibaki and let me ask?? what is so special or different between being burned in a church or a home?? why do you think a church is more special?? to me looking at all the churches and faiths in the world starting with catholic molestation of young children- a church does not mean much- it is the people who run it and worship in it that matter and on that note some of us Christian worship from our homes- does that make us less Christians?? you go ask kibaki why he arranged with his moi to burn his own tribesmen!! to stay in power!! even a kid can see through that plan!! stop blaming others for crimes committed by your own thieving kibaki and his billionaire supporter moi!! stories are trickling in from the same kikuyu's that were escaping the thugs that were pushing them back into the church were talking fluent kikuyu!! when and where do kalejins speak fluent kikuyu?? and why do you think koffi Annan when asked to remove Ruto from the negotiations committee he looked martha straight in the face and told her that she knew what happened?? why did martha go crazy after being discovered and realizing that the gig was up and she could not point figures anymore??? go check the PNU master document or rather the manifest that they emailed to other close unit members??
    it talks about ethnic cleansing in Rift valley and this was authored on the before the 27th December elections a week before?? how did Martha karua and her cronies in PNU know that there was going to be ethnic cleansing in Rift valley and it so happened in eldoret before even it happened??
    go ask your kikuyu blood thirsty mafia who were ready to do anything to stay in power!! they burned their own people in Eldoret but guess what!! it did not work- and kenya changed for ever! again i will remind you that kibaki is in statehouse on transit- all our young men will be realized when a new face is in statehouse soon and as for martha karua and her cronies- they have a case to answer and by that time she will not be having that position to hide behind!! watch and see!! we will not give up!! kibaki and his cronies slaughtered too many of our people to let it go!! the dead are demanding from 6ft under!!!

  29. Chris said..

    "...Just to get a clear message back to them, everything that I ever feared or hesitated to publish, now I will publish...."

    Bring it on Chris, hope it won't be long and unlike before will cut across both political forces. So far you've been hammering PNU/Kibaki/Kalonzo. Do you mean the DOMOS are that squeaky clean? Aheem...TUHESHIMIANE. True, Deepak Kamani should be rotting behind bars, but what about that prominent and senoir ODM leader and MP who brought Kenya National Asssuarance to it's knees? My point? I'm yet to see you post ANYTHING negative about ODM. You are on record as having made a self admission that you voted for Raila.

  30. What happened in Nakuru & Naivaisha would have not happened if ODM supporters did not attack elsewhere. This was a revenge attack.
    Those people killed did not steal the election; why not go for the real culprit?
    By killing the innocent, did it return the stolen vote? STUPID STUPID!!

  31. M-Pesa

    You are on record as having made a self admission that you voted for Raila....So?

  32. Fuzzy logic so the people killed in Naivasha where the ones who killed others in eldoret?

    Sir Aliex

  33. If the USA Kill Obama, MAU MAU will be set up in the whole world. Fuck the USA Army, Fuck George Bush..
    Try this one. and suffer the consequencies. Period...!

  34. If Obama is killed, so that Hilary Clinton become the nominee, mau mau will rise up. For sure. In Africa, Asia, Japan, United kingdom and America.

    The world people are hungry, poor, dieng of Disease`s and yet a few billionairers just shitting on themselves after bhaving too much to drink. God. Is this selfishnessness.


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