Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

The Mad Rush To Have Everybody In Government

Kalonzo And Mungatana Squirm At The Writing On The Wall

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Kalonzo Musyoka and one Danston Mungatana are putting up a brave face but the writing is already on the wall, both gentleman are about to be shoved into political oblivion and when the new republic emerges, there will no longer be room for their brand of old style heckler politics.

Apparently the 50/50 sharing between PNU and ODM extends to parastatals and ambassadorial appointments and that must have a lot of people very worried and lacking in sleep at night.

It is already apparent that the slots have suddenly shrunk for PNU supporters so much so that there is talk now of having a colossal cabinet of at least 36, so as to squeeze in at least 18 ministers apiece (rather than just 16). Do the math and put some faces next to the names and you’ll suddenly realize that 18 cabinet positions are extremely few. There is no way they can go round PNU, Narc-Kenya and ODM-Kenya. It is safe to assume that most of the posts will remain within PNU and other affiliate parties will be extremely lucky to get even one. Based on this assumption it will be difficult for Kalonzo “sent hecklers to the funeral of a female colleague’s mother” Musyoka to retain the vice presidency.

But the LSK (Law Society of Kenya) chairman Kong’o Omogeni and the EALS (East African Law Society) President Tom Ojienda had a very clear message for Hon Musyoka yesterday. They told him that the current PNU and ODM agreement over rides any prior covenants that may have been made and Musyoka should take up the leadership of the opposition as the official leader of the opposition.

The lawyers, in a telephone interview with one of the dailies emphasized that a structured opposition was needed and the idea of having everybody in government should be discouraged. The lawyers further advised that those amending the constitution should put a clause allowing parties with less than 30 MPs to...

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  1. The pains of betraying your fellow colleagues is catching up with the Traitor aka Girl-loan-saw. Mr. Gefaki is currently paying his pains for having betrayed the MOU of 2002 and plainly rigging the 2007 election. It is true that it is now costing some souls sleepless nights.

    We will join Judas in the mourning in this time of pain and miseries. I’ll get him condolence flowers and you Mr. Chris get him an hander kerchief. What a pain Mr. Kalonzo…… Two months of being an honorable VP and that evaporates away? Surely, Jesus should have mercy on us all. Pole Kalonzo.

  2. if that is true, KANU also fits this bill, won't/shouldn't Uhuru also loose his cabinet post or is there some assumed royal blood issue there. KANU is not any more PNU than ODM-K is ama?

  3. KAnu was originall part of the PNU coalition before odm-k via kalozo sold out to panua. So the are an original affiliate. Will Kalooser declare his wealth now?

  4. Both ODM-K and KANU because of their numbers need to form a coalition so that they can occupy the opposition benches. There is need that parliament supports an amendment that would allow for the formation of a coalition among opposition parties for the sake of having an official opposition in the tenth parliament.

    Kalooser must have learnt by now that what goes around always comes around.

  5. man, you guys at it again? still talking about sijui who will get what ? yu need to realize in kenyan politicks, there will always be wonders to wonder about.

    yu need to focus on talkking about how we'll build our economy instead of petty politics of which you have no say.

    Raila has joined the gvt, someone mentioned that najib balala joined the tourism guys to market kenya in germany, yaani hamuoni hawa watu washaendelea na kazi and yu are just payukaring here ?

    talk about how we put kenya on the fast economic track not petty politicks of sijui kalonzo is not famous in kangundo, sijui nini ....

  6. Chris,

    I think it's relevant to discuss the current powerplay especially because of the role it played in the recent mess Kenya was in. Mungatana's scrambling is evident. In every clip I have seen lately, he is right next to Kalonzo, welcoming Kibaki to a venue or standing close by during speeches i.e trying to appear relevant. He needs to realize that the game has changed and his short-lived career as a highly paid heckler has exceeded it's shelf life. As for Kalonzo, wooo boy! This man must be asking why the good lord has abruptly suspended or revoked his miracles. Heeheehee! I hope this is a learnig experience for him.

  7. He he he he he!!!! Hah hah hah hah hah!!!

    Wiki hii nimecheka kweli kweli.


    Even if they get positions, they will have a boss they would rather not have at all.

  8. @ 9:57 good job sentiments exactly . These characters have nothing better to do than payuka all day long. Raila and Kibaki are @ work and so should all these jobless wanna be Kenyans with their garbage gossip.
    It seems the worse the news got the more pleasure they derived from it they are all a bunch of sadists.
    If you are that jobless do some volunteer work or something...stop idling behind your computers trying to create make believe stories to feed your high. GET A LIFE!

  9. As someone else put it, Kalooser will not be fired from the VP post. As a matter of fact, Kibaki will retain him there till his term ends. Mungatana is just making sure that he positions himself closer to Kalooser so that when Kalooser declares to vie for the seat again, he will have survival chances. (He's looking into the yr 2012). Furthermore, why would Kibaki fire him. He has been mopping up the mess that Michuki have created with his "clean cut" image. Mungatana is set to be the next Karua who will shout down anyone who dares shout down Kalooser in the next 5 yrs.

    Kueni twiga muone mbali ilhali bado unakula matawi yaliyo karibu. (That's what Mungatana is doing)

  10. Kalonzo and Uhuru lack what it takes to be opposition leaders. Uhuru doesnt even know wht it means to in opposition. Remember he abandoned his duties to join Kibaki, some kind of dubious world record.

    It is a waste of time to imagine that Kalonzo and Uhuru will render any meaningful service to the nation from opposition tranches. I think ODM will still do a better job of checking Kibaki excesses from inside the government, just like LDP did.

  11. hmmm me thinks 11:04 is 9:57
    it leaves "comments" then replies himself..hahahaha, thank you for the humour i'll sleep much better;)

  12. @11:04AM - why are you here reading gossip or the ravings of us "sadists"? Shouldn't you have better things to do with your valuable time?

  13. Like judas Kalozer was just fulfilling his role in the prophesy called kenya

  14. As a christian you are not supposed to benefit from a crisis...Kalonzo did and that makes him an opportunist. AFter the election Kalonzo said he is not interested with positions but he will concentrate on healing the nation, I remember telling everyone disputing Kalonzo's character saying that he is a man of his word.....Then Ole wangu come that dark day, Kalonzo the VP i was shocked and i am like after defending you thus far though he wasn't my preferred presidential candidate his campaigns just didn't move me ....As someone says what goes round comes round....It has come to pass....I will wait and see time will tell!!!!
    Mungatana to me is a non-starter so let him grow up first.....He has a lot of growing up to do and that will depend on if the petition filed in court will flop or pass...Coz that case against him is strong so he should try get closer to Raila maybe he might just prevail on Hussein Dado to withdraw the case.
    I am ashamed on his behalf...He started well but when he started payukaring ovyo ovyo...It became stale....So let him be....Even him time will tell but these two gentlemen should have known Kibs by now, I am sorry but he is a man i dont have kind words for.....Just for the sake of peace in this country i am willing to call him my president......But he is a man that cannot be trusted...He uses people and leave them down and dry after getting what he wants

  15. Kalonzo miscalculated horribly but I think it is time we forgave him we have forgiven pple in Kenya for worse things

  16. Mungatana is an irritant he needs to think prior to speaking.. Hope eating too much Mamba has not led to this?
    Kalonzo is only reaping where he sowed. You sow bad seed, you reap a bad harvest.He was settling scores with ODM without thinking of Kenyans, he should have thought of the mood of the people he planned to govern. To add insult to injury we now realise he is the dictator Mudavadi was reffering to in their days of ODM-K and he cannot be trusted- his word means squat- ask Maanzo. On live TV he promised to nominate the guy only to turn around and ignore him..
    All this while we are watching him yet he does not even seem to know this..
    I might just 4-give Kibaki bcoz of his age and the fact that he might have just miscalculated but Kalonzo simply did not give it a thought...

  17. These Mungiki guys are very confident. They seem to know that they still benefit from protection from the top. Kenyans have other fish to fry but I think the chief of police should be forced to resign because he looks already too corrupted to stay in office.

  18. You people are full of it. If Kalonzo plays his cards right, he will most probably be the next president of Kenya.

    All those who voted for Kibaki will most likely vote for Kalonzo next election, especially after witnessing the kind of stuff ODM has done over the last 2 months.

  19. Anon@6:13 Are you really serious......LOL..not in my or your lifetime will WIPER be president of Kenya, you do not even have to look so far, he can barely hold his party together at the moment...LMAO

  20. Mungatana is the secretary to the PNU/ODM Coalition, just as Thuo is the Chief Whip. That should explain why he is very much in the picture. On his demands that Nark-kenya should be rewarded, I guese its a matter of positioning. This is politics guyz. After all Kenya has gone through now, I guese its time we move on. Lets stop being busybodies here saying nothing. How about, as someone suggested, we focus on ways of moving the country forward? Au sio?


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