Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Breaking News: ODM Demo Called Off

ODM leader Raila Odinga has called off demonstrations slated for tomorrow after meeting Kofi Annan. In his quest to breathe new life to dead talks Annan is reported to be meeting Kibaki to take personal responsibility on his side to salvage Kenya.

The indefatigable Annan remain resilient in the face of PNU's pussy-footing and deceptive antics. Whether it amounts to another round of circular charades only time will tell given the lack of leadership from Kibaki's corner.

It is a national shame and unimaginable to have minister leading a negotiation team throw juvenile political tantrums in front of imminent persons. That is iron lady Martha Karua for Kenya, an epitome of Kibaki's illegitimate regime.


  1. Last night I went to sleep an angry man. I was angry at Kibaki and Raila. I was angry that 250 000 were displaced. I was angry that the gains of the last three years had been lost. I was angry that there was so much hate towards my ethnic group. I was also angry at Kibaki for being so weak. In his rule Raila campaigned 24/7, in his rule people were displaced, in his rule his wife slapped people, insulted people and in his rule Balala called for isolation of the Kikuyu into a "Lesotho" and was allowed to get away with it. In his rule corruption continued to be a way of life and the land issue was ignored. In his rule people were incited to kill their neighbours.

    As I waited for sleep to take over, I envisioned "Lesotho". I saw a new republic that included Central provice, Laikipia, Nakuru, Kajiado, Nairobi, Eastern and NE provinces, I saw the Northern parts of Coast provice and a coastline starting just north of Malindi. Then I wondered what would happen to the Bukusu, the Kuria and the Kisii who voted for Kibaki. They could not be part of the new republic. I saw big migrations of people who found themselves on "enemy territories". Places where Kibaki led Raila with few thousand votes and places where Raila led with small margins. I wondered what would happen to Nairobi and Mombasa with a rainbow of ethnic groups. The idea of Lesotho was just too catastrophic, the human cost was simply not worth it.

    This Morning I woke up a bit less angry. I realised that Kibaki must have won. If that was not the case, why did ODM give up the recount/ re-tallying demand? Why are they so keen to join a government under Kibaki? Why are they accepting 50-50 if they are convinced that they won? Why did they take part in an election they were so sure were going to be rigged? It appears to me that they planned the whole power-by-back-door long before the election.

    I also wondered what is wrong with Kofi. Kenya already has a government of the majority. Kibaki and Kalonzo make a majority so in fact ODM could not claim that it is 41-1. Kibaki has a coalition and ODM makes a good opposition. This week Raila is collecting his second salary as leader of opposition while his followers are collecting stones, damn!

    We have come too far. There can never be a new arrangement to curve out a country out of the present Kenya without grave results. Those who did acted silly by killing but they should now watch those who incited them face justice. The government and Kofi should make sure that all displaced people return to their homes. From the Rift Valley, from Central Province, everywhere.

    Kofi should be making sure that Kibaki would commit to justice on the land issue and constitutional amendments. He should make sure that leaders are accountable for what they say by committing to a legislation that outlaws ethnic politics without outlawing ethnicity.

    The presence of Kofi is evidence of lack of leadership in Kenya today!

  2. to annon@ 3:21

    Dude, wake up and smell the coffee! It is attitudes of people like you that are threatening to tear this country apart. Have you actually been living in this country Kenya for the last few weeks? You PNU guys are just a sad lot.

  3. anon@3:21 AM
    I am aBukusu and the votes were split in Bukusu land. Even the 'Chairman' Kombo lost. Do not lump us with GEMA or any group.
    Most Bukusus stand by the struggle of other Kenyans for justice and they have been victims of PNU violence.
    Your nefarious attitude will come to bite you in the butt soon. Get off your tobbaco snuff.
    With attitudes like yours Kenya will break up soon

  4. Anon@3.21 please wake up. It is past mid-day Thursday and you are still sleeping and dreaming. Well, it never hurts to sample the joys of dreamland but I fear you will suffer heart attack when you wake up to reality. Poor dude!

  5. ^^ It is interesting how in your dream, Kenya's Lesotho is already planning to forcefully grab/annex other parts of Kenya.

    Also interesting is the assumption that ODM must have lost if they are accepting to share power on a 50/50 arrangement and not accepting a vote re-tally/re-count.

    Did your dream not consider the possibility that ODM knows through friendly intelligence sources that these same votes have since been tampered with. None other than ECK Chairman Kivuitu confessed publicly that form 16A for Juja had been altered by ECK staff after the declaration of the presidential results.

    Make sure that in your next dream, you dream about why PNU is not interested in a re-run.

    For now though ODM will demand a 50/50 power sharing arrangement with the thief, to expose the evil in PNU and this is just a starting point.

    ODM will demand and get its rightful place, the end game will ensure that justice and respect returns to Kenya with or without Lesotho.

    Future Assassin

  6. Borrowing a leaf from the former president of Kenya and now the dictator, his fellow age mate and tin pot dictator Uncle Bob Mugabe has issued an order to shoot and kill protesters should they protest his rigging of the up coming general elections in Zimbabwe.
    He says protesters should avoid Kenyan style confrontation with police and accept rape of their democratic rights. Yes, it is true our dictator is an inspiration somewhere and he is in great company.

  7. Go back to sleep buddy! I am kamba and I am all good in Kenya Asili, I will go with the rest of Kenya anytime. I don't think anyone from North Eastern, Kisii, Eastern and Even Kajiado is interested in being policed by rapist mungiki. So please go back to sleep and deal with your anger. Mungikistan can be our Lesotho. With central Province, the mighty mumbi kingdom. The fact that Kalonzo, ongeri and wetangula are working with you doesn't mean that their tribes need any protection. They are all like Tuju - when it comes down to the facts, they don't trust you for a minute. Remember we still have Ngilu, she is the only Kamba leader that is worth associating with.

    So go back to sleep and for reality's sake reduce the number of constituents to Central, Laikipia, IDP's, parts of Nairobi.

    Kenya doesn't need you anymore - we will survive. It might take us a couple years, but it will be alright. Infact, this will inspire Kenya Asili's 2030 Development plan. Mungikistan Kenya can have their development plans, they can apply for visa's to visit Kenya Asili and life will be easy.

    You can rig elections, steal from each other, wage war on jean-wearing women, massacre cows and goats in the name of oathing and even rape your own - but only in Mungikistan Kenya.

    Kenya Asili will not miss you for a second.

    So angry man - get some reality into your anger and start talking about the new Mungikistan Kenya- the land of your kinsmen.

  8. Demos called off? Me i will still demonstrate tomorrow. I am tired of waiting. I must demonstrate tomorrow that is. Only that it will not be mass action but individual action. Demonstration i must

  9. Statement by Commissioner Michel on the political situation in Kenya...

  10. Last night I went to sleep an angry man. I was angry at Kibaki and Raila. I was angry that 250 000 were displaced. I was angry that the gains of the last three years had been lost. I was angry that there was so much hate towards my ethnic group. I was also angry at Kibaki for being so weak. In his rule Raila campaigned 24/7, in his rule people were displaced, in his rule his wife slapped people, insulted people and in his rule Balala called for isolation of the Kikuyu into a "Lesotho" and was allowed to get away with it. In his rule corruption continued to be a way of life and the land issue was ignored. In his rule people were incited to kill their neighbours.

    As I waited for sleep to take over, I envisioned "Lesotho". I saw a new republic that included Central provice, Laikipia, Nakuru, Kajiado, Nairobi, Eastern and NE provinces, I saw the Northern parts of Coast provice and a coastline starting just north of Malindi. Then I wondered what would happen to the Bukusu, the Kuria and the Kisii who voted for Kibaki. They could not be part of the new republic. I saw big migrations of people who found themselves on "enemy territories". Places where Kibaki led Raila with few thousand votes and places where Raila led with small margins. I wondered what would happen to Nairobi and Mombasa with a rainbow of ethnic groups. The idea of Lesotho was just too catastrophic, the human cost was simply not worth it.

    This Morning I woke up a bit less angry. I realised that Kibaki must have lost. If that was not the case, why did PNU agree that the recount/ re-tallying was not feasible? Why are they so keen to allow ODM join a government under Kibaki if they are such murderers? Why are they accepting the post of a premier to be created convinced that they won? Why have they agreed to take part in the Annan talks and agree afterall its a political solution needed? It appears to me that they planned the whole sticking to power no matter what long before

  11. By calling off the demos, raila has saved some lives, injuries, properties, economy etc. I think peoples like blah blah Balax2 and Nyongo should learn something from their leader. Let the fight be on those leaders and let us we commom people continue with our normal duties now some peace is prevailing coz afterall we are the ones to lose.

  12. It is plain to see from the direction that the Annan negotiations are headed, that there is little hope that the impasse will end soon. In the mean time, IDPs, refugees cannot return home, businesses and government cannot function optimally; farmers cannot cultivate or sell their produce. In other words, the country is literally standing still. No one seems to have this country at heart; they are haggling over power while mwananchi waits outside biting their finger nails waiting a true and real solution for now and for posterity.

    We all know Kenya was ready for change so we need the status quo to go! We need a new constitution and reforms now! not in 12 months; now! As a voter I am a stake holder because I voted and expected to see my wish prevail whether it was by winning or losing and we move on. The whole thing ended up a total mess and could get uglier. Now it is the time for mwanachi voice to be heard. We should join in protesting (not by going to the streets and giving opportunity to muggers, thieves, arsonists and rapists)but in our own way even as we go the office, milk cows, push mkokoteni, cook at home, repair that car, digging in the shamba etc. Our MPs who genuinely love Kenya should join in. This is what we should do.


    Pray and promote forgiveness and love and warmth, brotherhood

    Preach repentance and truth.

    Reach out to the homeless and the hungry

    Other faiths to do the same


    Dress in black when in parliament

    Wear a coloured ribbon (colour suggestions welcome maybe green its neutral)

    Refuse to talk and debate in parliament but u may vote on motions wisely.

    Honk your horns and blow whistles around parliament

    Everyone who loves this country and who believes that the time for change and reform is now.

    Dress black 3 times a weak (or a colour which we agree)

    Wear sack cloth if u can

    Every 30th of the month carry a twig or flowers, wear a white arm band or scarf to remember the day democracy died in Kenya

    Musicians to compose songs on what we want in Kenya as Kenyas and these to be played over and over again.

    Wear a white ribbon daily for peace with truth and justice.


    Dedicate a day to speak on the issues of mwananchi on radio.

    Newspaper to produce a weekly special edition giving a voice to the masses.

    TV and radio to do ads (free) urging return to democracy and change

    Talk shows galore on the subject.

    Even if they do not act they will hear and history will judge them if Kenya falls apart, it will have done so under their watch.

  13. Mzalendo,
    What do you take with your morning tea?
    Let me sample your... uhm whatever

    Pray and promote forgiveness and love and warmth, brotherhood

    Preach repentance and truth.

    Reach out to the homeless and the hungry

    Other faiths to do the same

    You mention church in Kenya and peace in the same line? You must have been somewhere else or you are Njue incognito
    and then you go to mention some ritualstic wear black, wear sack cloth, carry a twig....
    Oh my favourite ..'Musicians to compose songs on what we want in Kenya as Kenyas and these to be played over and over again...' It is called indoctrination and I remember reading about it being used by some guy who spoke German and his first name started with an A.... Played over and over again, and over and over again and over and... ad infinitum

    I mean where do you PNU guys pull up this ideas? and you wonder why everyone is livid at you? You never stop! will you?
    Amani haiji ila kwa-------- fill in the gaps

  14. @4:05 AM, Cosmas said...

    By calling off the demos, raila has saved some lives, injuries, properties, economy etc. I think peoples like blah blah Balax2 and Nyongo should learn something from their leader. Let the fight be on those leaders and let us we commom people continue with our normal duties now some peace is prevailing coz afterall we are the ones to lose.

    I wish Kibaki would show the same level of leadership. Kenya is staring down the barrel of anarchy yet all we hear from the fat thief is ear-splitting SILENCE.

  15. Dude 3:21, U r lucky that you stole my cow and yet i am willing to share the milk with you.... may you go back to sleep and stop dreaming of grabbing land in the new Kenya......It is time for new beginning and i dont think we want to spend tax payer's money in building jails....
    The mayor of Kisumu says kazi ianze sasa......
    The mayor of Mombasa says we will implement the ODM manifesto....I am yet to see who is incharge of this country
    Thinking of it si Kibaki is already a ceremonial president...a president is holed up in a place called statehouse, he is aloof as usual...fence sitter and yet the country is on fire, so what is the big deal anyway if the PM will have executive powers? Or maybe he was told if he leaves state house Raila will force his way in...Pls tell him to relax na kazi ianze sasa no one is removing him from statehouse he can stay there forever we are even willing to give him the title deed.State house is jinxed that is the only explanation i can give for one to act the way the "DULY" elected president is acting

  16. Quite frankly ODMers have been duped true to the analysis of Prof. Mazrui that Kibaki is a genious and rRila a mere tactical fellow. He agreed to mediation, sent the smartest lawyers in the name of Kilonzo, Karua, Wetangula, etc while ODM sent a bunch of goons, militia commanders, a woman paedophile, hecklers, cheerleaders and bellatedly included a lawyer in the name of Orengo. For over a month the guys have been discussing how to share power. Lawyers delay tactics worked. In the meantime ODM militias were put on hold. So if the talks fail and ODM call for demos and Kenyans are killed, the owners of the militias will automatically be identified as ODM fellows. So these guys are in a catch 22 situation. They either accept Kibakis deal or they start a war they will be crucified for. Truly Kibaki is a genious. ODM? I read ODoMo. Njorogeston from Kabeteshire, in Kikuyustan

  17. Anon 4:49..........LOL

  18. Ivy, I answered you. I am Njorogeston from Kabeteshire in Kikuyustan. Iko swali?

  19. Njoroge@4.55 what makes you feel so WHOLE is you show of brawn above? Just read it and see your latent admission of where you patronize. You see mad people accuse people walking in the streets to be mad. I don't blame you only remind you that being loud mouthed is not being broad brained. You vile remarks takes any trace of humanity off you and only leaves you as a breathing SKUNK. Poor Njoroge, endelea.

  20. Anon 4:54 Smartest lawyers...In the name of who? There are only two smart constitutional lawyers in this country....Paul Muite & James Orengo....Tosha
    Tactically that is what ODM did, to be seen not to derail the talks...Right now who is being accused of derailing talks ...PNU or ODM
    Ati Kibaki is a who or a what? Come on give us anothere one dude...Kibaki is written for a speech....In italics it shows i am greeting you...Meaning action...Then Kibs goes ahead and says i am greeting you now "hallo"
    If one can't control his wife, there is no way one can control this nation....We need geniuses to take us to the moon and discover how to cure aids and not how to fight tribalism...Tribalism needs a tactician.
    So what if Kibs is a genius? Is it helping his kinsmen in rebuilding houses where they were burnt

  21. Muite is Kikuyu and Orengo is married to a Kikuyu woman. I thought you people hate Kikuyus. That is why Were's wife was stripped naked by Luos last week. shame. Njorogeston of Kabete, the Imperials. Taabu endelea

  22. Circumcision helps. endelea utahiri sana. That means, a half man cannot lead full men and full men are those who face the knife. not in hospital, but through rituals. Kenyatta said ihii cannot lead. Njoroge's

  23. Njoroge Whatever...Goodness ati iko swali...Asking you a question i will be stooping so is like Arsenal Playing with Mathare united usamehewe....
    Taabu this "Njoroge" binadamu doen't need to be answered...It is written if you argue with a fool people will wonder who between the two of you is a fool so leave him alone....LOL Njoroge pole

  24. If ODM won, why are they willing to share power with a thief?

    Can someone come out here and say that the murders in Ruto's constituency were not planned and financed by Kalenjin leaders? Can any ODM follower come out here and say that if police did not use gun power the thieves in the streets of kisumu would have not emptied the town and burn it down? Can anyone compare few hundreds who left Central to Nyanza to 250000 who have been displaced from their legally owned homes in helldoret?

    ODM is a bunch of liars. They refused to go to court because they knew why had no case and their own rigging would have been exposed.

    They called off the demos because they know that only a few will show up. They don't even know if it is a rally, civil disobidience, an economic boycott or is it a demostration.

    Kazi inaendelea and hongera anon 3.21 AM

  25. Anon 5:07 Kwanza you are wrong ...Were's wife was stripped by luhyas....There are always remnants...Not all are bad no one can dare hate Wangari maatha, kiai or even Githongo...Can you compare Orengo's wife with Kiraitu

  26. Charles.Nairobi.
    The ODM leader just saved a few people from imminent death tommorow...the mere fact that they support ODM in this country is enough evidence for them to be condemned to death by the Genocidal General!
    Looks like KIBAKIS HYENIC RIGGING DISEASE which originated right here at KICC is fast spreading to other African countries starting with Zimbabwe..along with it the shame,hatred, destruction and death.Other pathetic rulers in Africa seem to have got the que from museveni and kibaki on how to rule Killing innocent civilians.
    ANNAN must hang in there..there will be a solution.

  27. Better a half man who cannot lead full men than a a full man who cannot control women....Coz he is worse than an infidel..kafiri

  28. Raila's son is called (IN)FIDEL Odinga or what. Is he marrying from a tribe that his dad wants exterminated. Oh very very sorry. Poleni.

    Mimi wenyu Njorogeston wa Kabete, the Royals, but living in Denver Colorado. Mkijaribu demos tena, mtaamka.

  29. anon@5:31,
    Since you seem to trust the courts, why don't you take the Kalenjin Elders to court? A private citizen can file for prosecution of any crime in Kenya. Give the evidence and take it to court.
    Secondly, Why did police not use gun power when people were being massacred in Naivasha? And is it right to say Kikuyu elders planned the killings in Naivasha?
    Secondly, if you really respect the constitution, summarily executing citizens, is not anywhere in it. You might crow and preen Kazi iendelee but you know who the true victors are going to be. Then you say 'few hundreds' left Central well they are welcome back home, and you can take you hundreds of thousands back and deal with them. Infact western Kenya is now more relaxed, and locals can run businesses without having to deal with mercantile mercineries

  30. What is this, "control women...."? What makes you think that women need to be controlled? Did you just wake up from a comma after centuries? Women are independent entities with names, voter's card, jobs, properties, integrity and dignity. Some, just like men shall short but that does not mean that they need to be controlled by your likes or patronised. Women, married or not are responssible for what they do, not their husbands.

    Wake up, male pigs! Even a stone-age party like ODM has a woman in their negociating team, wanted to nominate a woman for nairobi top seat. Jizzz, kwani wewe kwenu ni wapi, kwa mwezi?

  31. Anon 5.28 AM
    You must have meant anon 5.13 not 5.31.

    Anywayz, it all started with ODoMo. They started the killing, first AP in Nyanza on election day, then the ethnic cleansing which you seem support. The Naivasha things was largely successful, the government sent helicopters to make sure that those fleeing were safe. ODM is to blame. Killing and evicting people because they are of a certain trbe is plainly primitive. If the land was stolen, Moi could have dealt with it, after all he was the one of you. Instead of killing the kikuyus and kisii for their bad business habits, why didn't you the civilised race just boycott their evil enterprises? Did they force or threaten you to enter their shops are to buy their stuff?

    About private persons sueing the planners of genocide, I don't have to do it, it is being done, I hear that Kibor has been talking.

  32. The EU and US should slap the sanctions now. Go for the jugular, I say.



  34. Please women my FOOT. shut up you lazy KAFIRI.

    It's written in the bible, the man shall be the head and the woman must obey her husband.

    having same rigths does not make you EQUAL. it's like saying soldiers wearing the same uniform are equal.


  35. anon@5:38
    You are right about no one forcing anyone to enter their businesses and now we are doing our businesses. I agree it will take time and some pain, but the west will emerge with its economy and resources in the hands of the rightful people.
    When you say the Naivasha thing was largely successful I understand you managed to burn some people in their houses as police watched and ODM is to blame.
    While Killing and evicting people because they belong to a certain tribe is primitive. Let me point out the electoral theft constitutes an act of violence, Why did the current thing in state house swear himself at twilight and ECK itself says elections were rigged.
    Kibor is being prosecuted by an illegal government and nothing will come out of it.
    This are not the 60s when Kenyatta lied to us as he stole land and resources, this is the new millennium and wote tumechanuka, na tutamenyana.
    I will not be ashamed of calling and fighting for the rights of my people and respect, call me a tribalist, a supporter of genocide I do not care I will soldier on. I a member of my family, then community and then Kenya. Frankly you can see where Kenya stands on my list or even where your community stands on my list.
    Finally when did a Kikuyu vote for a non Kikuyu?

  36. It is a matter of time before Kibaki is deposed. If there is no agreement by the end of next week, I predict there will be some severe consequences and mostly against Kibaki and PNU.
    Time to play hardball is over. If Kibaki thinks that giving Martha Karua unlimited authority to act in whichever she pleases will work is a fallacy of the highest order.

  37. i dont know why every discussion has to have kikuyu this and kikuyu that, kikuyus hated and kikuyu what not?!!

    the tribalism factor is so evident in your camp but you are so busy removing specks from other peoples eyes....pnu is comprised of gema and (genuinely not stolen votes)one or two people from other tribes...odm has mps from every tribe including kikuyu and embu....that is why nyagah and margaret wanjiru are in odm...we have not locked out anyone...

    pnu kikuyu people can you shut up already with the 'raila wants to exterminate you' thing? its getting old and annoying!!- he has no problem with anyones tribe...thats why you heard him say kibaki tosha in 2002.

    odm has no problem with kikuyu they have a problem with kibaki something you can only see if you shed your ethnocentrism!!

  38. @mrembowaodm
    The problem with PNU is that if you criticize them, then you want to exterminate Kikuyu, and you want genocide. But, they are the leading tribalists.
    I have not seen any of them condemn Kibaki's ethnocentric appointments to state Jobs or anything. Kenyans have eyes and they see, they have brains and they reason and they have ears to listen. Propaganda against RAO did not work and will not work.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. i am sincerely tired of this end of the week has been a long time since we heard the first 'by the end of the week...'

    so what happens if 'by this end of the week' nothing happens? will we wait for next week 'end of the week?'

    somebody is totally playing us!! wake up and smell the coffee odm!!! you know even 28th december 2012 can be 'by the end of the week?'!!

    and 6.12 agreed!!

  41. Anybody with the Mayoral results? Please post! thank you all

  42. Anybody with the Mayoral results? Please post! thank you all

  43. Mayoral results?= Sam Okello has been elected Mayor of Kisumu!.\
    He is now not just a regular guy, he is now His Worship the seems that all along he knew what he was saying and he knew where his true passion lay, in politics.,
    It seems that is the best stage for him to ascend to national politics.
    We wish you luck, Sam Okello, mayor of Kisumu!

  44. Majiwa is the Mayor. ODM decided to leave deputy Mayor for Njoroge. To demonstrate they are magnanimous.

  45. Majiwa has been declared winner! PNU pussies.... stop your nonesense in this blog!

  46. ODM!!!

    Kisumo--Sam Okello (Our very own Kumekucha hero!)

    Na Kadharika!

  47. Anyone still doubting that this b1tch Martha Karua is evil just take a look at this clip. Specifically look closely at the time Mutula Kilonzo is talking about the tempers that flared during the talks and see the kind of look he got from Karua. Karua only looked the other way after Mutula tactfully diverted the question. Martha is at the corner of the picture so look very keenly. This woman is evil indeed

  48. Guys you need to IGNORE this idiot Njoroge from Colorado, remnant of Mashada, came to the States and never ever got the essence, go get an education then at least learn the art of presenting your point of view without hurling insults at those that have one that is dissenting from yours. Is that too deep for you? THIS IS NOT MASHADA NJOROGE. Your IQ has to be a tard higher in here for you to hold your own.

    "Mimi wenyu Njorogeston wa Kabete, the Royals, but living in Denver Colorado. Mkijaribu demos tena, mtaamka."

  49. Wee kadharika the Kisumu maor is not the Sam Okello of Kumekucha.

  50. Ciku tell them. What is in a name? A mere reflection of letters spelling an identity. Sam of Kumekucha is no mayor and he clarified that kitambo. What a great misplaced excitement.

  51. I think Kibaki just hasn't been laid since 2003. Dude is contrite!

  52. ODM Flip flop again.

    mara kuna mass demos, mara ziko cancelled, mara raila hataki kushare power, mara anataka PM post...

    ODM Opposition Daima Milele na Milele na milele times 20


  53. Anon - 7.08 - sorry - but the Mayor of Kisumu is Sam Okello - the serious business man - and not the 'Kumekucha hero' aka 'author' Sam Okello. Don't mix up two people of totally different background and reputation - that's an offence to the new Mayor of Kisumu.

  54. annon @7.58 PNU cunt.... go catch a venereal disease or something.

  55. Where's Conjestina when you need her? We need someone to chapa some sense into chura-eyed Karua.

  56. ANNON @ 8:38...more DOMO from you..domo domo domo, don't yu ever get tired of talkin and no one takin u seriusly?

  57. Martha Karua is embarrasing us, she doesnt have the womans touch

  58. The new Mayor of Kisumu is a well-known business man based in Mombasa where he is heaivily involved a.o. in tea auctioning. He is furthermore a respected Member of the Kenyan Rotary Club and acting as its Chairman for Mombasa.
    He is neither related nor does he even know the US-based Sam Okello of Kumekucha 'fame'.

  59. martha karua is embarrassing who?

    that creature is neither a man or a woman!! so who is 'it' embarassing?

  60. Kibaki insists on CURRENT constitution

    By Duncan Miriri and C. Bryson Hull

    NAIROBI, Feb 27 (Reuters) - Kenya's opposition on Wednesday called off street protests to try and force a power-sharing deal, while President Mwai Kibaki said he would create the prime minister's post that his rivals have been seeking.

    Opposition leader Raila Odinga and Kibaki have come under pressure from at home and abroad to compromise over Kibaki's disputed re-election in a Dec. 27 vote, which sparked ethnic violence that killed 1,000 people and displaced 300,000.

    Fears of further violence grew when Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) last week said they would take to the streets again, exerting the last real leverage they have over political talks between government and opposition negotiators.

    "We ... are committed to the talks. We have postponed until further notice any actions planned for tomorrow," Odinga told reporters, after meeting with mediator Kofi Annan who had asked him to call off the demonstrations.

    Previous protests after Odinga accused Kibaki of rigging the election, which the president denies, degenerated into looting and rioting, and provoked an often fatal police response.

    Exasperated that discussions had reached deadlock, the former United Nations chief on Tuesday suspended them and told Odinga and Kibaki that they would have to make the decisions themselves. He met both on Wednesday.

    After meeting Annan, Kibaki in a statement said "pending issues were not insurmountable".

    And although the government negotiating team has put the idea forward, Kibaki himself said for the first time that "the office of prime minister, and two deputy prime ministers would be created under the current constitution".

    The focus of the talks had shifted toward the nature of a power-sharing deal to give Odinga a prime minister's position, and other ODM members cabinet jobs. But the sides have differed on how to enact those changes and to what extent.

    Kibaki "cautioned on the dangers of piecemeal amendments to the constitution" and said Kenyans would undertake a comprehensive review of the document in the next one year.

    The government says Kenya's laws and current constitution must guide any deal now. The opposition is demanding changes now, without a nationwide vote on them.


    Annan said he believed the two sides could strike a deal.

    "Issues that divide the parties are bridgeable ... with political will," Annan told reporters after his meetings. "The solution must be found in the mediation room."

    The crisis that exploded after Kibaki was sworn in on Dec. 30 amid Odinga's claims the vote was rigged seriously hurt Kenya's reputation as a stable, prosperous nation in a turbulent corner of Africa.

    It also laid bare schisms over land, wealth and tribe that have festered since before independence from Britain in 1963, which have been aggravated by politicians in the decades since.

    Since the early 1990s, Kenyans have been clamouring for a change to a 45-year-old constitution which most agree gives the president vast powers without any real checks and balances.

    The stalled negotiations also prompted criticism from the United States and European Union, in the latest diplomatic pressure to force a rapid resolution to a crisis in an African nation viewed as critical to the continent's stability.

    European Union aid chief Louis Michel said there was no alternative to a political solution to Kenya's crisis but added: "Individuals who obstruct the national dialogue process or who encourage violence will have to face the consequences. The European Union is determined to take all appropriate measures."

    U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice expressed frustration at the Kenyan leaders' failure to end their political standoff and said Washington would take action if a solution was not reached.

    Rice, speaking during a trip to China on Tuesday, said: "We will draw our own conclusions about who is responsible for lack of progress and take necessary steps." She did not elaborate.

    Tanzanian President Jakaya Kikwete, in Kenya in his capacity as the African Union chairman, also made the rounds trying to push through a deal and said he was extending his stay. (Writing by Bryson Hull; Editing by Giles Elgood) (For in depth coverage on Reuters Africa Web site: here )

  61. Is it true that Sam Okello the guy who writes fiction is the new mayor of Kisumu? Chris niaje? confirm please?

  62. chris, i thought you were moderating on this blog?

  63. What demos have been called off? Raila doesn't need to use the press to call off a demo that was never to be. I said it here only him, Ruto, Magara, Nkaissery, Anyang Kamotho Nyong'o, Henry Kosgei--along with two invitees each-would have attended. The Kenyan government is doing the right thing now----Allow their so called demonstrations and enable them to embarass themselves when their demonstrations fail to attract a hundred people.

  64. go tell raila to tell manjiga mayor of Nairobi to step down for him,he will enjoy to be the pm of Nairobi,

  65. Tell him urself...fool

  66. you think you can rule kenya no way shame on you we will rule for ever kubavu nyinyi odm

  67. Martha Karua, how can you behave so bastard.

  68. kenyans have spoken!!ODM ODM!!ODM!!ODM!!goooooool!!! we are there people we have arrived!!! na ule mutu anataka kufanya kelele waja ajaribu!!wezi hawa!!kibaki, karua na kilonzo wapumbavu sana!!


  69. Hey you are making me exited of course ODM is a winner and will always be!!with the support of the Kenya majority!!do i say:):)

    They rigged -we are still winners
    They killed us-we are still fighters
    They abused our intelligence and claimed we were lazy!we are still going strong-
    They raped our daughters, wife's
    , mothers, sisters -we mourned but we have not given up the democracy fight
    They circumcised our young men by force = but they still stood up and fought while dying!!






  71. I agree with you the PNU on here are so embarrassed to be associated with the likes of Kibaki and Martha Karua and now they call themselves Okello and Marianne !!how shameful can they be!I don't blame them!!who can !look who they have as a leader?? Kibaki the thieve and thug!!!!who can want to be associated with such a guy??

  72. I never believed it possible that people could be talking as cheap as that - calling decent women 'stinking asses' like Sam Okello's friends do here (although we all know that it is Sam and especially his socalled wife Hellen cowardly hiding behind these comments).

    I have never thought it possible to read so much dirt and hate than I have seen here on this blog during the last weeks.

    But all of you have proved me wrong in my belief in a better Kenya where everybody is equal no matter to which tribe he belongs to and where everybody can live in peace.

    But I do not want to give up hope because there are others out there who are decent and honest and it's them who still give me hope that not everything is lost yet.

    And when I am going to sleep tonight, I will pray that all my dreams will still come true.

    And I am even praying for the likes of the Okellos - because they need all our prayers to finally let them come to their senses - to make them understand that Kenya is bigger than their own personal greed.

    But maybe I am still too optimistic - so I am asking you to forgive me if I am wrong to still believe that everybody deserves a second chance although maybe the second chance is in reality the nineth or tenth of eleventh chance .........

  73. Now This is when i've learnt that PNU are foolish indeed.Would't they have succeeded easier in their quest for corruption and sleaze by being more calculative and samrt?
    By being out right militant and combative, the only thing they risk doing is shooting themselves on the foot as MARTHA KARUA is quickly doing and reloading ammo.

    Accept grand coalition silly, get into bed with ODM and then BANG! unthread them from within.I call it the flank attack.Too much arrogance eile your kind to political siberia.

    But clearly,we have morons passing for government with chimps such as wetangula and mutula.Idiots, you make yourselves look bad!


  74. kenyans prefer to insult and hack each other but not by a foreigner,,

  75. Good job Chris.

  76. I can't wait for the day when we will have intelligent mature and civillized discourse devoid of insults, tribal bigotry and name-calling. C'mon Africans TUNAJIAIBISHA!

  77. hey kumekucha? just got back our on your site - I understand you have closed down posts?? is this true?? yesterday we had good exchanges here on how to build back the kenya economy ie. minerals - building factories e.t.c?? is this not also allowed on your site?? please advise-
    from an unhappy blogger!!

    and how long will it take you to post our comments up!!I'm sure this is not your regular job- so that means maybe you can only sort out good or bad posts when you are free??


Any posts breaking the house rules of COMMON DECENCY will be promptly deleted, i.e. NO TRIBALISTIC, racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive, swearing, DIVERSIONS, impersonation and spam AMONG OTHERS. No exceptions WHATSOEVER.