Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 28, 2007

Tension Builds As ECK Presidential Results Trickle In

29th December 2007: 08h30 local time

With ECK seemingly unable to provide presidential results sub-totals, unmistakable tension and anxiety is building not just at KICC ECK centre but also around the country even as independent media tallying give provisional results as follows:

Raila Odinga: 3.974m
Mwai Kibaki: 3,580m
Kalonzo Musyoka: 535k

Both Raila and President Kibaki have not been seen in public since they voted on 27th December and the ECK has had to postpone announcement of the final presidential results several times - despite the fact that ECK Chairman Samuel Kivuitu has promised to announce final results by this morning 08h00 local time. The ECK press briefing centre is now full of weary and exhausted journalists and party agents, some of whom have been camping there for more than 36 hours. TV footage has caught some international journalist, unfortunate not to have relievers, sprawled across seats in deep sleep.

ECK Commissioners Muturi Kigano and Jack Tumwa were early this morning put to task by ODM representatives at KICC to explain how they are unable to announce results that were released by various polling stations two days ago although they have already released parliamentary and civic results from the same areas. Matters are not helped by the fact that withheld presidential results are from areas perceived to be PNU strongholds and ODM is alluding that some manipulation could be on going.

The PNU on its part is sensing presidential victory and its representatives have had a few hot exchange of words with ODM representatives at KICC. There is a tight security around KICC and the dreaded paramilitary GSU have ring-fenced the venue in anticipation of social unrest.

Unconfirmed reports going round Nairobi indicates that PNU are planning to hijack the ODM and the country with "a George Bush in Florida" or "a Yar Adua in Abuja", but ODM pentagon members are categorical that Kenya is not USA nor Nigeria. According to Musa Sirma, a former MP and member of ODM Presidential Campaign team, "the ECK should accept to take full responsibility of whatever happens as a result of their delay is announcing results that are already in the public domain and that barricading the KICC will not help matters."

ODM insiders have privately informed this blogger that 6 independent tallying centres commissioned by the party show that the ODM Presidential Candidate is enjoying a comfortable and unassailable lead against the incumbent Mwai Kibaki.

Meanwhile, parliamentary seats won by individual parties so far are as follows:

ODM: 91
PNU: 12
ODM-K: 12
Safina: 3
Ford: 3
Narc: 3

More updates later. Over to you Chris.

1 comment:

  1. How can the results of Mandera which is 2 days travel from Nairobi known and brought to Nairobi and the result of GEMA land which is 2 hours from Nairobi not known?


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