Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 28, 2007

Open Letter To President Kibaki

Dear Mr President,

The time has come for you to save the nation. If you'll recall, the Electoral Commission of Kenya asked Kenyans to vote on the 27th, and Kenyans did so in unprecedented numbers. For all of us who love democracy and have worked hard to inculcate a sense of civic duty in our people, this has been a big win. I hope you share the joy of witnessing democracy take hold in Kenya.

After the voting, which the commission insisted had to be wound up by five o'clock on the 27th, vote-counting started in earnest. Within hours the fate of civic and parliamentary candidates across the nation was known. Indeed, you must be aware that some of your strongest supporters in the PNU were trounced by newcomers. What should distress you is that the electoral commission has seemingly allowed the vote-counting process to go on indefinitely. Does it make you wonder why the voting itself was restricted while the counting is open-ended? At what point will you realize that quashing the dreams of an entire nation is an impossible task?

Let me play out the scenarios for you. One, you could go out and concede defeat. What that does makes you take your place as a true democrat, a man who believes in the rule of law and a patriot who puts the interest of Kenya above his own.

Two, you slow the counting in provinces where your people are in total control so that numbers can be tinkered with. What that does, Your Excellency, is it makes you close the gap with Hon. Odinga and may even lead to your narrow victory. But consider the consequences. For starters, your win will be illegitimate. Your government will be illegitimate. And you stand a good chance of facing a successful vote of no confidence in parliament. For a man of your stature, that would be the saddest end to a distinguished career.

And so, Mr. President, I call upon you to listen to the voices of the elders who've told you that it's not worth it. Listen to the wise men and women who've warned you that your government won't survive a ferocious Opposition in the new parliament. And listen to your own inner voice that's telling you to do the right thing.

Don't let the blood of innocent Kenyans be spilled in your name!

Kind regards,

Sam Okello
President & CEO
Sahel Books Inc.
P.o. Box 6451
South Bend IN, 46660-6451
Phone: Toll Free: 1.877.297.2435


  1. Sam, you have spoken for millions.

    However, I am afraid this (former) government has shown us many times over that it attaches no value to human life let alone blood. You will remember we have spoken very strongly against social injustice and state perpetrated murder in Mathare, Kuresoi and Mt Elgon for over two years now.

    It is obvious this is a former government that will not stop at unleashing violence against its own citizens simply because Raila Odinga has not only defeated project Stanley Livondo in Langata (credit to ODM volunteers and Kibera youth for degree of vigilance) but is also poised to be the 4th president of the republic of Kenya.

    meanwhile, we are hoping that your prayers will be heard and Kibaki (as the out going president) will stop pplaying games with Kenyans and let the decision of the masses prevail.

    Please also be aware, A saba Saba Asili representative has appealed to the ECK to provide security to Matiba (currently marooned in Kiharu) because of intimidation by state agents believed to be under the command of Michuki at the nearby kangema constituency. There are fears that a Raila/Matiba alliance could cause untold problems for a Kibaki/Kalonzo alliance if Kibaki refuses to hand over power to ODM, hence Matiba's tribulations.

  2. I doubt you will publish this but the last bit of the comment you appended is incorrect.

    I stand to be corrected but what I saw is different: Matiba's agent said that Matiba does not fear even if Michuki is just nearby...Commissioner Ali smiled and said that is a good trend that there are Kenyans who are not intimidated. No reference was made as to any state agents being sent to Matiba.

    Please stop misinforming Kenyans.

  3. Anonymous, yes indeed, you must be corrected.

    Firstly, Maj. Gen Ali HAS NOT addressed the media today. What you refer to happened yesterday.

    Secondly, did you see or did you HEAR what Matiba's agent said? The poor fellow has been trying to bring to the ECK's attention Matiba's tribulations since yesterday but he has largely been ignored. The GSU and police that is currently terrosing Kenyans all of the country is under the command of one John Njoroge Michuki currenlty also staying in State House? This terror has scared the ECK Chairman himself who this morning complained about being escorted by "armed outriders and hating guns"???? It is the ECK which is constitutionally mandated to manage elections - NOT the police nor (a former) Internal Security for that matter!

    Why is Kibaki and his family staying put in State House and it is obvious they have been rejected? Are you aware the anxiety he is causing has already resulted to the needless loss of one Kenyan life in Migori and 14 others in hospital as I type these lines? Tension continues to uild up and skirmishes are spreading in Nairobi fast. It is not being reported in the regular news channels, but anyone who lives in Nairobi can see what is happening here. This is very crucial and very true. Not misinformation like you claim. We respect your right to opinion, but please respect the opinon of others too.

  4. Mr. President, step out, stop torturing your countrymen. For love of country, concede!


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