Saturday, December 29, 2007

Election Update: ECK Awaiting Results From More Than 30 Constituencies!

29th December 2007: 11h15 local time

The ECK Chairman - Samuel Kivuitu - is due to address a press briefing at KICC anytime now.

Meanwhile, independent media tallying have their provisional results are follows:

Raila Odinga: 4.049m
Mwai Kibaki: 3.678m
Kalonzo Musyoka: 661k

However, there are a total of 30 constituencies countrywide whose results are not yet in. The balance constituencies have a combined total registered voter of 2.4 million votes! They include 5 constituencies in coast province, 2 in Nairobi, 3 in North Eastern, 1 in Central, 8 in Eastern and others whose details this blogger is still trying to establish.

It is strange that parliamentary and civic results for these balance constituencies are already officially announced by ECK but the presidential tallies are "unknown" tot he ECK although all votes were counted at the same time by the respective Returning Officers.

1 comment:

  1. 11h30 Kivuitu has arrived at KICC and press briefing for presidential results received by ECK thus far are as follows:

    Mwai Kibaki (MK) 123,480
    Raila Odinga (RO)O 184,798
    Kalonzo Musyoka (KM) 16,691

    MK 1,724,409
    RO 34,063
    KM 11,697

    MK 421,135
    RO 61,440

    MK 90,240
    RO 146,894
    KM 18,233

    Rift Valley
    MK 546,938
    RO 1,441,450
    KM 17,862

    North Eastern
    MK 55,459
    RO 63,723
    KM 3,474

    MK 239,872
    RO 552,582
    KM ??? (blogger missed this)

    MK 214,506
    RO 1,241,297
    KM 4,147

    MK 3,416,139
    RO 3,726,247
    KM 346,214

    11h50 Kivuitu says ECK has counted 159 constituencies,
    52 constituencies to go.

    ECK trying to reach its returning officers in these areas and they are unreachable - ie phones are switched off!!!!

    Kivuitu appeals to ECK agents to send in results and that they are known which means they will not have somewhere to hide.


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