Muge assassination: The powerful men he provoked Part 3

Friday, December 28, 2007

All But One ODM Pentagon Members Re-elected Back to Parliament

As Kenya and the world anxiously await the final result of the presidential vote, the Orange Democractic Movement is smiling all the way to the 10th Parliament with members of the prestigious pentagon having been re-elected back to the august house. All but Joe Nyagah who lost to political rookie Mutava Musyimi. But this does not seem to stall the strong orange wave being seen countrywide.

Charity Kaluki Ngilu survived a strong ODM-K wave to emerge the winner while Raila, Mudavadi and Ruto registered landslide wins over their opponents. Ngilu's win is a strong statement to Kalonzo Musyoka and a prophecy of sorts by Ngilu herself who had promised weeping Ministry of Health workers that "she would be back" after she was sacked from cabinet by President Kibaki a few days after she endorsed the candidature of ODM's Raila Odinga.

Meanwhile Kibaki's allies outside the Mt. Kenya region continue to suffer the wrath of the electorate with eighteen of Kibaki's cabinet ministers having been voted out as at last count. Major PNU casualties within the Mt. Kenya region include Mutahi Kagwe, Njenga Karume and Daudi Mwiraria.


  1. The only surprise is the extent of Kibaki's humiliation. I feel a bit sorry for Vikii (to eat bread without hope is still, to slowly starve to death) and Proud Kikuyu Woman (there's so much more Kenya outside the Central Province)- just look at the statement by those Rifties :)!

    A reluctant democracy only five years ago, Kenya has come of age. To paraphrase Taabu, na bado mabadiliko!


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